Ahmed Sajjad Hashemy

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Top 10 Free iPad 2 Games ...

Once you purchase your own Apple iPad 2, you will realize that it needs a ton of apps and games. With the Apple Store, you will be able to download or purchase thousands of apps and games. However, many people prefer to download the free apps and free games for their iPad. For the iPad 2, there are a ton of games available from the Apple Store. When you compare the iPad with the iPad 2, you will see that there are some notable differences. The speed is certainly one of them, but so is the screen resolution. With a much brighter and stronger screen capacity, the games have been perfected a tab bit more.
godfinger all stars game

10. GodFinger All-Stars

There are several god based iPad games available for people to download, but only a few have an excitement and flare to it. GodFinger All Stars provides the user with an in-depth gaming experience. The game has a bunch of characters and the graphics is just amazing, so you will surely have fun with it. The game doesn’t last too long, but it does provide you with something to do. There are various levels you have to play through in order to beat the game. As you keep playing, you will be collecting goals and golds, and even earning points. The point ranking scale will allow you to move onto the next level.
Harbor Master HD

9. Harbor Master HD

This is a great game that is available for free on the iPad. The large iPad 2 screen allows you to make the game all the more fun and exciting. The game is somewhat like Flight Control, but the gaming perceptions are a little different. You need to draw up lines on the sea to allow the boats to dock accordingly. Once the boats have unloaded all their things, they need to leave in an orderly fashion. Sometimes, one boat may need to visit another docking location, so you need to deal with everything. The game will get hard and complex as you move on up to the higher levels.
Escape - Norm's World XL

8. Escape – Norm’s World XL

This is a strategy based game that has been adopted for the iPad. You need to escape using your silhouette and shadow. There are circles on the ground, and you have your own circular shadow. Using your shadow, you need to jump through the various circles in order to escape. By jumping into more circles, you will earn more points and move onto the higher levels faster. The free version of the game allows for one single user to play at once. If you want the multiplayer version, you will need to pay for it. Both versions are available from the Apple Store.

7. Dizzypad

This game is somewhat similar to Escape, as you are jumping from one location to the next. In Dizzypad, you will have a number of lily pads in the water. The water is regarded to be a poisonous solution, which will kill your frog. If your frog falls in the water, he will be killed. You have to use your thumb to help the frog jump from one lily pad to the next. The lily pads are shaped in the size of a typical thumb, so using your thumb would make it very easy. You could earn bonus points by eating bugs and by making heroic jumps from lily pads. If you make a large jump, you will get more points.
compression ipad

6. Compression

You will be getting blocks in different colours and they will be falling from the top, at a slow speed. You will need to move them and place them accordingly, so the colour makes perfect lines. All the while, the walls on both sides will be closing in on you. Sometimes, you will get more than one block falling down on you. You can also change the orientation of the block so that it fits with what you have below. Your goal is to match the colours of the blocks that you already have. When you have perfect lines of blocks, they will crack and fall under. Every time the blocks crack and fall under, you will get awarded with points.
checkers ipad

5. Checkers

The iPad Checkers game is just like any other checker game you would play on a board. The game is a perfect for the iPad screen. You have enough space to see and move around the pieces without making any misjudgments. The game has been adopted into a high definition version, in which the quality has improved greatly. You will have your own account and username to use with the game. You can connect to a WiFi network and play with other people who are online. The system has various levels you can play on, so you can challenge yourself based on your skill level.
bubble ipad

4. Bub-Wider

This is more like an arcade game, as you are put to the test through various levels and scenarios. You have to tilt your iPad to maneuver the character throughout the game. The iPad has 3D axis system, which allows you to move the characters by simply moving the iPad. The character you are moving is the bubble, who has to travel through the forests. You need to make sure the bubble avoids forests trees and bugs. The game was initially put out for the iPhone, but it was later brought into the iPad market. Since this change took place, the graphics on the iPad will seem a little blurry. The graphics on the game have been stretched, so it really does need an upgrade.
aurora ipad

3. Aurora Feint 3

Aurora Feint 3 is a Quest type game, in which you will be getting blocks falling from the top. You will need to line up a minimum of three blocks in order to break them off. Once the blocks break off, you will be awarded with points and higher rankings. When the blocks are coming down, you can change their orientation. By changing the orientation, you will be able to line up various kinds of blocks. As you move onto the higher levels, you will have to move much quicker. The game gets very fast after level 3, so you really need to practice.
Air Hockey iPad

2. Air Hockey

There are various kinds of Air Hockey games available for the iPhone and iPad, but they work best with the iPad. The iPhone screen is much smaller, so it will be very hard to control and move the puck. With the iPad, you have a much larger screen to work with. The Air Hockey game is very much like the actual air hockey you play on a table. The puck is placed on an air-filled puck, which simply glides across the table. Using your touch screen interface, you simply hit the puck and try to score it on the other goal. You also have the two player mode available on Air Hockey HD for iPad.
Angrybirds Game HD

1. Angry Birds HD

Angry Birds has been a hit game on the iPhone and iPad platform. The game has had an enormous amount of success, so it has been adopted for various other systems such as the Android and Chrome. The game is quite simply, but it takes a lot of practice and patience. You have a select number of birds available which you have to use to hit the blocks on the other side. You are using a slingshot to hit the rocks, so you really have to estimate the flying distance of the bird. The higher levels get very hard, but it is all doable. The game is very interactive and fun to play. You can get the game for free from the Apple Store. If you are using a Google Chrome browser, you can download the app and practice with it.


Being a gamer I will suggest Aurora Feint 3, GodFinger All-Stars and Harbor Master because these games are full of excitement and passion.

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