Ahmed Sajjad Hashemy

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth ...

As medical professionals, we are dedicated to the service of humanity; to alleviating suffering, to improving health, and to preserving life. We are horrified by the terrorist acts of 9/11 and the senseless suffering and loss of life resulting from them.

The terrorist acts of 9/11 resulted in the immediate deaths of 3,000 emergency service workers and innocent citizens. The inhalation of toxic dust in the weeks following 9/11 will result in the premature deaths of additional thousands of rescue and construction workers and New York residents. The acts of 9/11 have been further used to justify the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, which have resulted in the deaths of thousands of military personnel and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents.

We are not alone in our concerns about the validity of the 9/11 Commission Report. A group of 25 senior U.S. intelligence services and law enforcement veterans sent a joint letter to the U.S. Congress expressing similar concerns and their desire for a new investigation. Several very senior CIA veterans have called the 9/11 Commission Report "a cover up" and "a joke" and have called for a new investigation. Several former Republican administration senior appointees have called for a new investigation. Several U.S. State Department veterans have called for a new investigation. And dozens of former senior U.S. military officers have also called for a new investigation.

It is imperative that we have an accurate understanding of 9/11 so that those responsible can be identified and brought to justice in order that they and similarly-minded people never again commit such heinous crimes.

It is also imperative that we have an accurate understanding of 9/11 so that governmental policies resulting from 9/11 are based on truth rather than deception.

We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11.


We, the members of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, believe that whereas:

There is incontrovertible publicly available evidence since 9/11/01 that the official account of the events of that day is incomplete and fraught with errors;

The 9/11 Commission Report inadequately answered, and in numerous cases even failed to address, many of the most important questions that were called to its attention;

The blatant disregard of extensive compelling evidence that clearly refutes the official account raises rational suspicion of intentional deception by agents of the U.S. Government;

U.S. Government policies have been, and continue to be, founded upon assumptions about the events of 9/11 that are likely to be erroneous;

Life-threatening maladies caused by toxic environmental conditions at Ground Zero in New York City persist today and will continue to develop in the future; and

The perpetrators of the heinous crimes against humanity that were committed on 9/11 have still not been brought to justice.

Therefore, we, the members of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, call for a new and independent investigation into the events of 9/11/01 by a duly constituted legal body with the authority to subpoena and require testimony under oath, and with authority to prosecute if criminal activity is discovered, so that the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity can at last be brought to justice.

Signed by the following 156 medical professionals:

Jonathan Weisbuch

Jonathan Weisbuch, MD, MPH

Jonathan B. Weisbuch, BS Civil/Sanitary Eng, MD, MPH – Former Chief Health Officer, Maricopa County, AZ (Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Tempe) and Director, Maricopa County Public Health Department 1997 - 2004. Medical Director, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services 1989 -1995. Director, Department of Health and Social Services, State of Wyoming 1987 - 1989. Former Health Officer, State of North Dakota 1976 - 1980. Former Director of Correctional Health Services, State of Massachusetts 1974 - 1976.

Past President and Past Vice President, American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) and AAPHP's representative to the American Medical Association. Recipient of the Ben Freedman Award for 'long and dedicated service to AAPHP and the practice of Public Health'. Chair, National Commission on Correctional Health Care 1998 - 1999. Diplomate, American Board of Preventive Medicine. Fellow, American College of Preventive Medicine. Former Officer, U.S. Navy. Editorial Consultant, American Journal of Public Health. Associate Editor, Journal of Public Health Policy 1980 - 1984. Author of more than 40 articles pertaining to public health issues. Co-author, The Challenges of Community Medicine (1974).

Dr. Weisbuch's extensive academic experience includes:

Adjunct Professor, Arizona State University, College of Human Evolution and Social Change
Clinical Professor, Public Health and Epidemiology, Southwestern College of Naturopathic Medicine
Executive Coordinator for Global Health and Adjunct Professor, Arizona State University, Biodesign Institute and College of Human Evolution and Social Change
Associate Chairman and Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Arizona School of Medicine / Public Health
Adjunct Professor, School of Business Administration, Arizona State University
Adjunct Professor, Midwestern University, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine
Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine
Clinical Professor, Dept of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine and School of Public Health
Office of the Dean, Charles Drew School of Medicine
Clinical Professor, Department of Community Medicine, University of North Dakota School of Medicine
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, University of Kentucky School of Medicine.

Founding Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Review of The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions 1/14/07:

"David Griffin's analysis of the Kean-Zelikow bipartisan Report of the events leading up to the highjackings of four aircraft on September 11, 2001, is a "must read" for anyone concerned with the subsequent history of the Bush Administration and the "War on Terror." All may not be as we initially were lead to believe: That fundamental Muslims with the desire to bring down America, plotted a massive terror event that culminated in the plane crashes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the fields of Pennsylvania. This conventional wisdom, supported by the media reporting immediately following the catastrophe, and subsequently "documented" by the Kean-Zelikow Report as analyzed in detail by Dr. Griffin is shown to be laced with omissions of fact, distortions of events, and the rewriting of the history leading to and during September 11, 2001. ..." http://www.amazon.com

Bio: http://www.ssbn630.org/id118.html

Barry Komisaruk

Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD

Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD – Rutgers University Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the Graduate School. Also Adjunct Professor, Department of Radiology, New Jersey College of Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Former postdoctoral researcher as a National Institute of Mental Health fellow at the Brain Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles. Former Program Director in the Division of Minority Opportunities in Research at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Member, Society for Neuroscience. Member, American Physiological Society. Author of numerous scientific papers on neurophysiology, pharmacology, and endocrinology of reproductive behavior, and analgesia in laboratory animals and humans. Author of Reproduction: A Behavioral and Neuroendocrine Perspective (1987), The Science of Orgasm (2006).

Founding Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Essay Rutgers Observer 9/11/07: Regarding 9/11

"Based upon my reading, published evidence leads me to a terribly disturbing conclusion as to the veracity of the official government accounts. ...

The observations are readily available and clearly evident from existing news reports, books, and photos and videos on the Internet. They have not been accounted for convincingly, or even at all, by the official U.S. government reports, and they have not even been challenged by the mass media. They raise serious doubts and questions as to what really happened on that day.

If the assumptions about the true nature of the events are erroneous, then the policies that have been justified by those assumptions must be questioned – ongoing policies that include the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and suspension of the guarantees provided by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution – against torture and against warrantless spying on U.S. citizens.

If we turn a blind eye to the truth about the events that occurred on September 11, 2001, we do so at our peril, for revealing the truth may well change profoundly the course of future events." http://media.www.rutgersobserver.com

Endorsement of Debunking 9/11 Debunking:

"In this astonishing and fearsome book, David Ray Griffin rigorously and brilliantly first dissects and then demolishes the recent published accounts that purport to debunk the critics of the Bush Administration’s official explanations of the events of 9/11. Dr. Griffin reveals how the purported debunkings ignore the blatant inconsistencies and obvious coverups in the official accounts. No amount of spin can honestly account for the pulverization and nearly free-fall collapse of the World Trade Center buildings by anything other than pre-planned demolition. No amount of spin can realistically explain away the absence of commercial jetliner wreckage at the Pentagon. No amount of spin can logically explain away the miles-wide dispersion of airliner debris if Flight 93 was not blown up in the air. Dr. Griffin carefully delineates crucial questions that must be answered directly and honestly, without bias, spin or conflicts of interest. This book is a challenge to the mass media. If the truth about the events of 9/11 remains concealed and ignored, it will be at our – and our nation’s – peril.

Bio: http://psychology.rutgers.edu/~brk/

Larry Burk

Larry Burk, MD

Larry Burk, MD – Former Director of Education, Center for Integrative Medicine, Duke University Medical Center. Associate Clinical Professor of Radiology and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center 1993 - 2004. Former Assistant Professor, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.

Founding Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Essay 7/1/06: "The most plausible explanation for the incredible level of national denial even among otherwise well-informed, left-wing liberals, is that we have all been subject to a mass hypnotic trance induced by the carefully-scripted events on 9/11.

Even with my background in medical hypnosis, it took me more than 3 years to wake up to the flaws in the official story, which in retrospect, are rather obvious." http://nc911truth.blogspot.com

Conference presentation, 9/11: Revealing The Truth, Reclaiming Our Future 6/3/06:

"The sequence of events on 9/11 has much in common with standard hypnotic techniques for rapid trance induction. These characteristics include hypnotizable subjects, focused attention, rapid induction, trance deepening, hypnotic suggestions, depth of trance testing, post-hypnotic suggestions, and delayed activation of anchors.

The hypnosis scenario explains why the majority of people did not believe what they saw with their own eyes; a controlled demolition of the World Trade Center. Although trances tend to wear off with time, repeated triggering of hypnotic anchors can prolong the effects indefinitely. The challenge now is to break the spell for a critical mass of people prior to any future false flag terrorist attack." http://www.911truth.org/911rtt/events.html#Burk

Member North Carolina 9/11 Truth: Association Statement: "When the Twin Towers exploded on September 11, 2001, we stared in disbelief. Five years later, we now have ample forensic evidence to show that at least 3 of the World Trade Center towers were felled by controlled demolition, not airplane impacts. The investigative focus has now shifted to determine how terrorists gained access to make the extensive preparations required."

Bio: http://www.911truth.org/911rtt/speakers.html#LBurk

Tom Tvedten

Tom Tvedten, MD

Tom Tvedten, MD – Physician. Former Chief of Staff, Chicot Memorial Hospital 1978 - 1995. Founder of the 9/11 DVD Project.

Founding Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I happened to be watching the Today Show on NBC on the morning of 9/11/01 and saw the events unfold in real time. When the Twin Towers exploded and collapsed, I told my wife "That can't happen." I was sure that terrorists had somehow planted explosives in the buildings and that "Blow-back" was the motive for the attacks with the most likely suspects being Muslims retaliating for our imperialistic policies in the Middle East and for our support of Israel and denial of Palestinian rights. The possibility that it might have been a "false flag" operation did not occur to me until much later and I waited for the 9/11 Commission Report to explain the issues.

When the Report came out and failed to answer many of the questions I had about the events of that day I became suspicious and began to research the subject on the Internet. When I discovered the mysterious collapse of Bldg. 7 and saw Larry Silverstein's lame explanation of the same, I became convinced that 9/11 was an inside job used as a false flag operation to justify wars in the Middle East over control of the natural resources in that region as well as the implementation of stricter controls on the people of this nation and the expansion of the "military industrial complex" and its control of our government.

Since that time my research has nothing but further convinced me that my suspicions were justified. Only an in-depth investigation as described in this petition can clear up the many still disputed issues regarding the events of 9/11. I therefore am glad to have the opportunity to be a member of this organization and to sign the petition."

Video statement:

"I am a physician from Arkansas and I am the founder of the 9/11 DVD Project. You can come to my website at www.911dvdproject.com.

We need a criminal investigation into the events and the crimes of 9/11. The mass murder of our fellow citizens has not been investigated as a crime. And it is my job and yours to demand that a criminal investigation be done.

I can provide you with many different titles of 9/11-related DVD's for free or at my cost. You don't have to pay me in advance and you don't have to pay me at all.

I am committing myself to finding out the truth about 9/11 and I need your help finding it. 911dvdproject.com. And help me help the rest of our fellow Americans find out the truth about 9/11." http://911dvdproject.com

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Association Statement: "Research proves the current administration has been dishonest about what happened in New York and Washington, D.C. The World Trade Center was almost certainly brought down by controlled demolitions and that the available relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the government's official story about the attack on the Pentagon."

Website: http://911dvdproject.com

Mary Ellen Bradshaw

Mary Ellen Bradshaw, MD

Mary Ellen Bradshaw, MD – Past President, American Association of Public Health Physicians. Former Chief, Bureau of School Health Services, Department of Public Health, Washington, DC. Co-chair, Arizona Coalition for State and National Health Plans. Member, Physicians for a National Health Program.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Douglas Everingham

Douglas Nixon Everingham, MBBS

Douglas Nixon Everingham, MBBS – Minister for Health, Australia 1972 - 1975. Parliamentary Adviser, Australia's delegation to the United Nations 1982. Member, House of Representatives, Australia 1967 - 1975 and 1977 - 1984. Appointed Member by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to the National Consultative Committee on Peace and Disarmament 1998 - 2000. Vice-President, World Health Assembly 1975. Former family and hospital doctor and psychiatric registrar.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Personal statement in support of the Political Leaders petition for a new 9/11 investigation:

"Unless U.S. and allied (including Australian) leaders move to demand independent investigation of the 9/11 catastrophe, the military sequels in Iraq and Afghanistan must be widely seen as war crimes falsely labeled as a war on terror." http://pl911truth.com

Member: Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"Scholars and professionals with various kinds of expertise---including architects, engineers, firefighters, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, military officers, philosophers, religious leaders, physical scientists, and pilots---have spoken out about radical discrepancies between the official account of the 9/11 attacks and what they, as independent researchers, have learned.

They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations.

Thus far, however, there has been no response from political leaders in Washington or, for that matter, in other capitals around the world. Our organization, Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, has been formed to help bring about such a response.

We believe that the truth about 9/11 needs to be exposed now---not in 50 years as a footnote in the history books---so the policies that have been based on the Bush-Cheney administration’s interpretation of the 9/11 attacks can be changed.

We are, therefore, calling for a new, independent investigation of 9/11 that takes account of evidence that has been documented by independent researchers but thus far ignored by governments and the mainstream media."

Joanna Santa Barbara

Joanna Santa Barbara,

Joanna Santa Barbara, MB BS, FRANZCP, FRCP(C) – Retired child psychiatrist. Former Faculty Member of McMaster University Health Sciences and Centre for Peace Studies. Elected Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Canada. Elected Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. In 2002, awarded The Order of Ontario, the province's most prestigious official honor, for outstanding contribution to society in Ontario and around the world. Past President, Physicians for Global Survival and member since 1982. Actively involved in International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), serving as a board member and a vice-president. She was a member of delegations of IPPNW affiliates to NATO in Brussels in June 1999 and June 2000. Past member of the Advisory Board of Science for Peace. Co-author of Peace Through Health: How Health Professionals Can Work for a Less Violent World (2008). Contributing author to War and Public Health (2007), Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict (Vol.1, 1999).

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"A large-scale massacre, used as an excuse for war with all its attendant death and misery, demands accountability, whenever and wherever it occurs. This is not the first such occurrence. If it is to be hoped that it is the last, accountability must be pursued. The causes of this massacre presented to the world by the US government under George W. Bush, are not believable. The truth must be pursued and accountability demanded."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

John Travis

John W. Travis, MD, MPH

John W. Travis, MD, MPH – Physician and author. A leading figure in the wellness movement. Physician in the U.S. Public Health Service, 1969 - 1975. In 1975, founded the first wellness center in the United States, the Wellness Resource Center. Co-founder of the Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children. Retired pilot. Author of Wellness Inventory (1975); and co-author: Wellness Workbook (1981, 1988, 2004), Simply Well: Choices for a Healthy Life (1990, 2001), Wellness for Helping Professionals (1990), A Change of Heart: A Global Wellness Inventory (1993), The Society of Prospective Medicine’s Handbook of Health Assessment Tools (1999).

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Member: Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers."

Bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Travis

Website: http://www.thewellspring.com

Michael Knox

Michael D. Knox, PhD

Michael D. Knox, PhD Psychology – Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mental Health Law and Policy, Professor of Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine and Distinguished Professor of Global Health in the College of Public Health, University of South Florida. Dr. Knox also has courtesy appointments as Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Distinguished Professor of Aging Studies, University of South Florida.

Chairman and CEO of US Peace Memorial Foundation, a tax-exempt non-profit 501 (c) (3) foundation, which seeks to demonstrate that advocating for peaceful solutions to international problems is an honorable and socially acceptable activity. Founder and Director of both the Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center and the University of South Florida Center for HIV Education and Research. Awarded the 2007 Anthony J. Marsella Prize for the Psychology of Peace and Social Justice at the 115th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, an award presented annually by Psychologists for Social Responsibility, recognizing him for more than four decades of outstanding contributions to peace and humanitarian assistance. Member, Sigma Xi , the international honor society of research scientists and engineers.

In his more than 20 year academic career, Dr. Knox has over 125 scholarly presentations and publications, including several books and book chapters. Senior editor and contributor to HIV and Community Mental Healthcare (1998). Co-author of Last Wishes: A Handbook to Guide Your Survivors (1995). Contributing author to The Encyclopedia of Health and Aging (2007), Psychiatric Aspects of HIV/AIDS (2006), HIV/AIDS Primary Care Guide (2006).

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

Dale Dewar

Dale Dewar, MD, CCFP, FCFP

Dale Dewar, MD, CCFP, FCFP – Rural Family Practice Physician. Fellow, College of Family Physicians of Canada. Past Coordinator and continuing Associate Professor, Rural Division of the Department of Family Medicine, University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine. Chair of the Saskatchewan Medical Association's Committee on Rural and Regional Medicine. Chair of the International Committee of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada. Past President and continuing Member, Physicians for Global Survival, the Canadian affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), which as an organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Please add my name to those who believe that the war was illegal and that there should be a reinvestigation of 9/11. The citizens of the USA and the millions internationally who felt the pain of the event deserve no less."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

Carlos Vassaux

Carlos Vassaux, MD

Carlos Vassaux, MD – Cardiologist - Internist. Former cardiovascular researcher, Harvard Medical School. Former Fellow, Lown Cardiovascular Research Foundation. Founder and Past President of the Guatemalan affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), which as an organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. Founder and former Chief, Department of Intensive Care, Hospital Gral, San Juan de Dios. Former Professor of Medicine. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Past President Academy of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Guatemala.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

Kathleen Rosenblatt

Kathleen Ferrick Rosenblatt, PhD, LAc

Kathleen Ferrick Rosenblatt, PhD, LAc – Licensed Acupuncturist, State of California. Pioneer in the field of acupuncture in the U.S., helping to establish the first acupuncture clinic (UCLA). Co-founder of the first two U.S. schools for acupuncture; the New England School of Acupuncture and the California Acupuncture College with four branches. Co-founder of 911Truth LA.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Presentation 9/11 Citizens Grand Jury and Other Strategies 6/3/06:

"On those days in 2004 and 2005, concerned citizens and expert witnesses got together and had a town meeting. ... And we elected and convened a Citizens Grand Jury. And with our conclusions, we decided that the Kean-Hamilton [9/11] commission was erroneous and fraudulent and just ridiculous. ... We found that the official story [of 9/11] was physically impossible, contradictory, implausible and fraudulent." http://www.archive.org

Richard Tuft

Richard Tuft, MBBS, FRCS, FFRad, FRCR

Richard Tuft, MBBS, FRCS, FFRad, FRCR – Diagnostic Radiologist. Past President, Radiological Society of South Africa 1995 - 2007. Past Member of the Board of Directors and Past Chairman, Finance Committee and Private Practice Committee, South African Medical Association. Chairman, 24th International Congress of Radiology (2006). Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists. Fellow of the Faculty of Radiology (South Africa). Radiologist in full-time practice, Cape Town, South Africa. Command Pilot, South African Red Cross Air Ambulance Service 1977 - 1984.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have spent most of my professional career as a diagnostic radiologist. A diagnostic radiologist is trained to look at images, interpret them and express an opinion. As I watched the video of the twin towers collapsing, on 9/11 and the few days afterwards, I was aware that whoever was commentating was telling me something that common sense, and my scientific training told me was not happening. The towers could not and did not collapse due to fire. I have read about and researched the subject extensively since then and have lectured to medical colleagues in Cape Town on 9/11. 9/11 was a false flag operation, designed to allow the Bush government to invent the 'War Against Terror', and use it as an excuse to wage two subsequent ongoing wars with horrendous loss of life. The criminals responsible for this must be brought to justice. A new and independent inquiry would expedite this."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Herbert Hoffman

Herbert J. Hoffman, MA, PhD

Herbert J. Hoffman, MA, PhD – Former Chief Mental Health Coordinator and Director of Manpower Development and Training, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. Retired Clinical Psychologist. In his 40-year career, Dr. Hoffman held several academic and senior professional positions, including; Lecturer (Psychology), Boston University. Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Assistant Professor of Research, Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University. Founder and Faculty Member, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology. Executive Director, Brookline (MA) Mental Health Association. Veteran, U.S. Army.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been following the 9/11 "story" for over 7 years. The most significant impediment for citizens even considering that the U.S. government is in some way complicit is the unwillingness to entertain that possibility. The fact that the government and the 9/11 Commission Report could not/would not address certain questions raised by the Jersey Girls, scientists, pilots etc., questions which would seem to have easily available factual responses, strongly suggests "cover up."

I refer to such items as: release of the Pentagon and other videos of the Pentagon crash; explanation of the debris scatter at the PA "crash" site; explanation of how these obviously "hijacked" airliners were not intercepted in a timely fashion -- especially the one in DC; a more evidence-based, scientific explanation of the fall of the twin towers and Building 7.

The failure to produce this information/evidence, along with much more, can only lead to one conclusion: THERE IS A COVER UP. There is much data to strongly suggest who and what are being protected and shielded by this cover up. Hopefully a sufficient number of citizens will shed their denial and demand answers and explanations from our nations leaders."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

Elizabeth Woodworth

Elizabeth Woodworth

Elizabeth Woodworth – Retired professional medical librarian. Former Manager, British Columbia Ministry of Health Library. Delivered "best evidence" literature to the public health officers of the British Columbia government for 25 years.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The fallout from 9/11, an event of questionable origin, has contaminated not only Ground Zero, but world relations and the United States Constitution. Therefore it should not be seen as simply a 'historical event', and we must not rest until the true perpetrators are identified by a transparent investigation and brought to justice. Only then can the world be cleansed for a brighter future."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

A review of 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, by David Ray Griffin, PhD 3/17/08:

At last there is a book about 9/11 that politicians and journalists can openly discuss without fear of being labeled "conspiracy theorists".

9/11 Contradictions advances no theories. It simply exposes 25 astonishing internal contradictions that will haunt the public story of this unparalleled event for all time.

Until now, the persistent and disturbing questions about the day that changed the world have confused and alienated journalists and politicians, because:

The technical issues regarding the collapse of the towers, the failure of the military to intercept the flights, and the relatively minor damage to the Pentagon have been considered too complex for analysis in the media.

However, Griffin’s new book requires no technical expertise from the reader, because each readable chapter revolves around one simple internal contradiction inherent in the public story. "If Jones says ‘P’ and Smith says ‘Not P’, we can all recognize that something must be wrong, because both statements cannot be true."

Many who have doubted the official story have offered alternative theories which have been dismissed as "conspiracy theories" by a press which must understandably place a high value on its credibility.

However, this book offers no alternative theories to explain the contradictions within the public story. It simply presents the glaring contradictions that have never been probed by Congress or the media, and beseeches members of these institutions come to grips with the reality and lead the charge for a truly independent investigation.

The 9/11 issue is six years old, journalists are busy people, and the world has moved on.

Though six years have passed, this matter is by no means closed, nor is the trail cold." http://www.globalresearch.ca

Steven Jonas

Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, MS, FNYAS

Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, MS, FNYAS – Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and the Graduate Program in Public Health, School of Medicine, Stony Brook University. Fellow, New York Academy of Sciences. Fellow, American College of Preventive Medicine. Fellow, American Public Health Association (40 year member). Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine. Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine (UK). Recipient of the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research’s Duncan Clark Award for Lifetime Achievement 2006. Founding Editor of the Springer Publishing Co. Series on Medical Education. Author and co-author of more than 135 papers in scientific journals. Author, co-author and editor of more than 30 books, including: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (2007), Jonas & Kovners Health Care Delivery in the United States (9th edition 2008), An Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System (6th edition 2007), The American College of Sports Medicine's Exercise is Medicine: A Clinician's Guide to Exercise Prescription (2009), Talking About Health and Wellness with Patients (2003), Championship Triathlon Training (2008), Triathloning for Ordinary Mortals: And Doing the Duathlon Too (2006).

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"There is tons of circumstantial evidence that the story of the tragedy of 9/11 put forward by the 9/11 Commission has major gaps and is likely not in accord with the truth in many instances. (Of course one of the pieces of circumstantial evidence that something is amiss with the official explanation is the tons of forensic evidence at the site was carted away by the authorities as quickly as possible and was buried somewhere in New Jersey, as if it were the outcomes of a series of mob killings.) But all of that evidence is circumstantial.

At the Pentagon, the 9/11 events which have not been the subject of any public inquiry to my knowledge, there is one hard fact for which we have photographic evidence that stands out, with no conceivable set of facts that could explain it. Of course that is the photograph of the symmetrical 16' foot hole in an inner wall of this building that is made of heavily reinforced concrete.

My oh my, if it were possible for a hollow aluminum tube, such as an airplane, to make that hole, and not leave any wreckage, much less bodies, behind to boot, the military could discard the depleted uranium weaponry they now use to inflict such damage. However, I have not heard of anything like that happening.

Indeed, that's just one more happening of the dreadful day that needs to be fully investigated. For if the hole was caused by an airplane fuselage, that event would have to be explained. If the hole was not caused by an airplane fuselage (which indeed, given what we know about hollow aluminum tubes, it could not possibly have been) just what did cause it?

Ah yes. So many questions and so few real answers. I write regular columns on these issues and others related to both Bush/Cheney and the present Administration at www.buzzflash.com and www.TPJmagazine.us."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Website: http://ordinarymortals.info

Jeff King

Jeff King, MD, SB Bio/EE

Jeff King, MD, SB Bio/EE (MIT Science Baccalaureate in Biology and Electrical Engineering) – Retired Family Practice Physician (27 years). Former Electrical Engineer (8 years).

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Video of presentation Confronting the Evidence Conference 9/11/04:

"When I first saw the [WTC] collapses I was absolutely convinced they were not spontaneous. ... http://www.youtube.com

Statement to the PatriotsQuestion911 website 6/10/07:

"And what we have learned in the years since then (2004) only confirms that initial impression. At the simplest level there is a gross violation of conservation of energy: for the towers to fall at or near free-fall speed, all the stored gravitational energy would have had to be used to accelerate their own mass downward. The same energy can’t be used twice, which is to say that any “work” extracted, for example to pulverize concrete, will slow the collapse by a corresponding amount.

In the case of the twin towers even a rough calculation of the amount of energy needed to pulverize all the concrete and gypsum to the very fine dust observed (and without including the energy needed to crumple and deform steel) indicates that it would have far exceeded the entire gravitational potential energy of the structures. http://patriotsquestion911.com/engineers.html#King

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"As measurements by Thomas Cahill have shown, dust particles were mostly <30 microns, with a sizeable fraction smaller than 0.25 micron. Not only is an immense amount of energy needed to break most of the chemical bonds holding the concrete together, but there is no mechanism that can be postulated with only a gravitational collapse that might account for such rapid and complete pulverization. Such a process is almost by definition an explosive event: the almost instantaneous conversion of a slab of concrete into a rapidly expanding cloud of dust.

In the trade-center air samples, Cahill identified four classes of particles that have been named by the EPA as likely to harm human health:

Fine and very fine transition metals, which interfere with lung chemistry.
Acids, in this case sulfuric acid, which attack cilia and lung cells directly.
Very fine, un-dissolvable (insoluble) particles, in this case glass, which travel through the lungs to the bloodstream and heart.
High-temperature organic matter, many components of which are known to be carcinogens.

"For each of these four classes of pollutant, we recorded the highest levels we have ever seen in over 7,000 measurements we have made of very fine air pollution throughout the world, including Kuwait and China," Cahill said.

As Cahill has stated, "The debris pile acted like a chemical factory. It cooked together the components of the buildings and their contents, including enormous numbers of computers, and gave off gases of toxic metals, acids and organics for at least six weeks." These very small particles are especially good at penetrating to the level of the alveoli of the lungs, and thence into the bloodstream, greatly enhancing their toxicity.

The long term impact of these inhaled toxins on the health of 9-11 First Responders has already proved disastrous, and the long-term impact on the general population of lower Manhattan can only be guessed at this point, with almost no effort being made to collect the necessary data. The most basic concerns of public health demand that expanded monitoring of the exposed population be implemented, and that resources be allocated for diagnosis and treatment on a scale appropriate to the seriousness of the problem.

Bio: http://www.plaguepuppy.net

Alan Gilchrist

Alan Gilchrist, PhD

Alan Gilchrist, PhD – Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University. Research scientist on the subject of visual perception. Author of more than 30 journal articles about vision and visual perception. Contributing author to The International Encyclopedia of Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychology (1977), The Legacy of Solomon Asch: Essays in Cognition and Social Psychology (1990), The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (1999), Colour Perception: Mind and the Physical World (2003). Editor of and contributing author to Lightness, Brightness and Transparency (1994). Author of Seeing Black and White (2006).

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Statements made by the Bush administration are not consistent with the facts that have been published. The issues in dispute are very important. Thus the investigation needs to be reopened."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Carol Wolman

Carol S. Wolman, MD

Carol S. Wolman, MD – Board Certified in Psychiatry and Neurology. Fellow in the American Psychiatric Association.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"As a psychiatrist, I see the denial that 9/11 was a false flag operation as a national psychosis. I invite people to read: Breaking the Spell with 9/11 Truth. The evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is mounting. The country is hypnotized into passivity with lies and fears. 9/11 truth can break the spell."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Essay Breaking the Spell with 9-11 Truth 9/7/08:

"Here we are, 7 long years later, and they’re still getting away with it. There has been no real investigation of 9-11, and 9-11 truth advocates are still labeled “fringe”, “paranoid”, “conspiracy theorists”. The country has bought the lie. We are under a spell. ...

I attended a 9-11 truth rally yesterday. Richard Gage, an architect who is organizing Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth www.ae911truth.org (460 members, so far [Editor: 560 as of January 2009]), spoke about the obvious lies in the official coverup report. 'The three towers could only have been brought down so quickly by thousands of thermite or thermate “cutters” strategically planted ahead of time in all three building.' ...

These are just a few examples of the outrageous inconsistencies in the official 9-11 story. Yet most of the country continues to buy it." http://www.opednews.com

Peter Burr

Peter M. Burr, MD

Peter M. Burr, MD – Retired U.S. Army trained Board Certified General and Plastic Surgeon. Vietnam Veteran and Combat Casualty Care Course Graduate.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have carefully studied the videos and literature regarding the events of 9/11 and the subsequent investigations by government and private entities. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that there are critical events that have not been even marginally explained to my satisfaction. The woefully incomplete investigation comes no where close to rigorous examination and explanation of a great many of the events surrounding this horror. I join many other respected individuals in having a nauseating suspicion that corrodes my faith in our government. The only satisfactory path to resolution of this scandal is a complete, impartial, and scientifically rigorous re-examination of the evidence and of the process of the previous commission's investigation of this tragedy."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory of Petition of Solidarity to the Attorney General of New York for a new independent grand jury investigation of 9/11 11/19/04:

"We the undersigned: a) think that there is ample evidence and probable cause to believe that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11; b) observe that most of these apparent crimes, including but not limited to abetment of mass murder, criminal negligence, insider trading, and obstruction of justice fall well within the jurisdiction of New York's top law enforcement officials ..." http://www.justicefor911.org

Meryl Nass

Meryl Nass, MD

Meryl Nass, MD – General internist. Blogs on the anthrax letters case at http://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com. Expert on anthrax, bioterrorism and illnesses related to anthrax vaccine and service in the Gulf War. Presented seven Congressional testimonies on these subjects. Identified Zimbabwe’s 1979 anthrax epidemic as an act of bioterrorism. Consulted for the office of the Director of National Intelligence. Interested in depoliticizing US government-funded science and medicine.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Qais Ghanem

Qais Ghanem, MD, FRCP

Qais Ghanem, MD, FRCP – Former President, Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologists. Elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Canada. Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Ottawa. Director, Sleep Lab, Montfort Hospital, Ottawa. Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology, and the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I was thrilled to see that medical professionals have established such an impressive group of “Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth”, with150 distinguished members. I had looked with admiration to the lawyers who had done so previously, and to the professional engineers who started the movement.

I was even more impressed to see famous names of people I know such as Dr. Ernst Rodin, and to see a dozen Canadians, like myself, including Dr. Dale Dewar, a co-member of Physicians for Global Survival.

I have, from the outset, believed that the 9/11 horrendous massacre of thousands of innocent civilians could not possibly be the work of a dozen amateur Saudis. Close watching of video clips and reading of lots of expert opinions convinced me further that this is an inside job, or that it was at the very least done with inside help. It is for this reason that a fresh totally independent inquiry should be set up ASAP, to get to the truth, once and for all. Nothing less would do. And those found to be guilty of such a heinous crime must be exposed and punished. After all, millions of people have been killed based on dubious information."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Emilio Martinez

E. J. Muñoz-Martínez, MD, PhD

E. J. Muñoz-Martínez, MD, PhD – Neurophysiologist. Professor and Researcher, Department of Physiology, Biophysics, and Neuroscience, Center for Research and Advanced Studies, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City . Recipient of the 2003 award of ANUIES (National Association of Universities and Institutes for Higher Education) for his contribution to Higher Education. Twice served as President, Mexican Society of Physiological Sciences (the only twice elected President of the organization). Member of the Latin American Association of Physiological Sciences, the Academy of Scientific Research and the Society for Neuroscience. Author and co-author of numerous scientific journal articles on neuroscience and physiology. Author, co-author, and editor of more than 17 books on neuroscience and physiology. Journalist in the Mexican newspapers Uno más Uno, La Jornada, El Financiero, and Crónica and in the weekly magazine Proceso.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Kyle Nash

Kyle Nash, DMin

Kyle Nash, DMin – Thanatologist, Clinical Medical Ethicist, and Medical Educator, who has taught undergraduate and graduate medical education, across staff disciplines, at The University of Chicago medical schools and hospitals. Faculty Member, School for New Learning, DePaul University. Former Faculty Member, MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Member: Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement

"When faced with actions that conflict with the universal moral principle that we should not do to others what we would not want done to ourselves or our loved ones, members of faith communities have a responsibility to voice their opposition to those actions. Many religious leaders throughout history have publicly challenged morally unacceptable practices---recently, for example, in the civil rights and anti-apartheid movements.

A significant moral challenge has emerged due to glaring discrepancies between the official version of the events of September 11, 2001, and the results of extensive independent research by individuals with relevant scientific or professional expertise. . . . As a result of this extensive research carried out by scientists and professionals, it can now be seen that the official account of 9/11 is false beyond any reasonable doubt. ... Because the false account of 9/11 has led to [numerous] evils, it is incumbent on religious leaders, once they realize that the official account is a lie, to speak out."

Eric Beeth

Eric Beeth, MD

Eric Beeth, MD – Assistant Professor, General Practice Medicine, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels. Family practice physician.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Comment to the Rutgers Observer 9/28/07:

"[T]he media has been very effective in imprinting the almost successful 'psy-war-operation' in our collective mind. Despite MASSIVE scientific evidence of foul play, the big media is still trying to push down the 'Ministry of Truth' narrative with all their might. This is shown for example when FOX news brings out former video-magazine turned 'conspiracy theory' debunker, editor Paul Meigs, on the 6th anniversary of the criminal mass murders, complete with photo-shopped pictures of WTC-7 with an enormous gash in it. (Eye-witness and photographic records have shown this to be manufactured evidence to support the official version of why WTC-7 fell completely 'due to structural weakening,' as the BBC and FOX reported 20 minutes before it actually happened!). Participate in bringing our country out of the dark ages.

We hope that Professor David Ray Griffin will be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize next year. Join the movement for truth now, since, as the German protester in this recent video said : 'You can't just watch it happen and do nothing about it. That is impossible. That would make you lose all respect for yourself and for Mankind.' That is the true cognitive dissidence, and it is easy to deal with: just join the most honorable and truthful of the movements, and follow your very best observation and scientific reasoning." http://www.rutgersobserver.com

Signatory of Petition of Solidarity to the Attorney General of New York for a new independent grand jury investigation of 9/11 11/19/04:

"We the undersigned: a) think that there is ample evidence and probable cause to believe that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11; b) observe that most of these apparent crimes, including but not limited to abetment of mass murder, criminal negligence, insider trading, and obstruction of justice fall well within the jurisdiction of New York's top law enforcement officials ..." http://www.justicefor911.org

Web page : http://huis.vub.ac.be/staflees.php?ID=15

Cheryl Scott

Cheryl Renfree Scott, RN, PhD, IBCLC, RLC

Cheryl Renfree Scott, RN, PhD, IBCLC, RLC – Registered Nurse, State of California. International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse. Active participant in a variety of human lactation research projects for major health care organizations and universities. National and international seminar speaker on a variety of topics including human lactation, herbal galactagogues, holistic health and maternal and infant health.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"As a citizen of the United States and as a concerned medical health care professional, I am greatly concerned about the number of grave health, political and social concerns exponentially occurring secondary to the apathy of the citizens of our country. We the People have to open our eyes to the many concerns such as the unanswered questions regarding our National Security as evidenced by the inept handling of the 9/11 events. The citizens of the United States demand a new investigation into the handling of the 9/11 atrocities upon our country and the families of the victims of the World Trade Centers. The citizens of the United States have the right to have a true and honest re-investigation into the events of 9/11."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Kenneth Stoller

Kenneth Stoller, MD, FACHM

Kenneth Stoller, MD, FACHM – Pediatrician and hyperbaric medicine specialist. Fellow of the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine. Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatrics. Former Member of both the Injury Prevention Committee and the Environmental Hazards Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics. President of the International Hyperbaric Medical Association. Diplomat of the American Board of Hyperbaric Medicine.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory of Petition of Solidarity to the Attorney General of New York for a new independent grand jury investigation of 9/11 11/19/04:

"We the undersigned: a) think that there is ample evidence and probable cause to believe that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11; b) observe that most of these apparent crimes, including but not limited to abetment of mass murder, criminal negligence, insider trading, and obstruction of justice fall well within the jurisdiction of New York's top law enforcement officials ..." http://www.justicefor911.org

Signatory of Petition to Release Information Pertaining to 9/11 10/5/06:

"We, the undersigned, demand the immediate declassification and release of:
all transcripts and documents relating to the July 10, 2001 meeting that took place between former CIA Director George Tenet and then National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. It has been alleged that this urgent and out-of-the-ordinary meeting was called to discuss the increasingly dire warnings of an imminent al Qaeda attack within the U.S. ...
the redacted 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry Into The Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 (JICI), and
the CIA Inspector General’s report, CIA Accountability With Respect To The 9/11 Attacks

The disastrous nature of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks warrant the release of all of this information so that the American public may learn what its government did or did not do to protect them. Had this nation been properly warned of the looming and imminent terrorist threat, life saving choices could have been made that day." http://www.petitiononline.com/july10

Eva Kataja

Eva Kataja, MA, MS, PhD

Eva Kataja, MA Marriage & Family Therapy, MS Dept. of Oncology, Univ. of Wisconsin, PhD Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School – Former Researcher, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School and MIT. Former Member of the Faculty of Biology, University of Southern California. Psychotherapist. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, State of California.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"In January, 2002 I began intensively studying the 9/11 attacks. An estimated 1,000 hours of reading, studying photos, listening to recorded interviews of those at the scene convinced me that elements of our own federal government (including Vice President Cheney); members of the U.S. military, CIA, and FBI; NYC officials; various corporations and individuals; as well as Israel's Mossad and Pakistan's ISI, certainly aided and abetted these events and many were most likely involved in the planning as well as the official cover-up, which does not hold up under scrutiny. The Americans involved are guilty of treason and must be brought to justice if we hope to repair our democracy."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Faiz Khan

Faiz Khan, MD

Faiz Khan, MD – Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY. Director of Medical Observation Unit and Assistant Residency Director - Emergency Medicine, Hershey Medical Center, Penn State College of Medicine. Practicing physician with dual board specialization in Emergency and Internal Medicine. A 9/11 first responder.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Co-founder: Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, a group of scholars, religious leaders and activists dedicated to uniting members of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths in pursuit of 9/11 truth.

Essay American Muslims and 9/11 Truth -- The Paralysis of Discourse; The Incompetence of Academia, and The Need for an Accurate Diagnosis

Excerpts from Dr. Khan's extensive essay on 9/11 Truth and its implications:

"Who were the hijackers, given that at least six of the “19 suicide hijackers” are still alive and had their identities stolen? ...

Why did investigators not pursue the massive record dumping of United and American airline stock during the week before 9/11 during the activity (monitoring real time suspicious activities of Stock Trades is standard procedure), or after the event of 9/11? ...

Why the scores of documented accounts of foreknowledge of this event from a diverse source base? To assume “we were taken by surprise” is ludicrous. ...

What hit the Pentagon? To this day, there is zero evidence it was a Boeing. The place is sprawling with video surveillance, yet no video is available. ...

Why does the wreckage from Pennsylvania (Flight 93) indicate that the “fourth plane” was indeed shot down, or suffered a mid-air explosion? Why did Mr. Rumsfeld recently say that Flight 93 was shot down, and then quickly correct himself? ...

Why did WTC building 7 collapse? This happened long after the strikes, and in a manner that suggested it was demolished. ...

How do we explain the complete incapacitation and overt stand-down of standard Air Space defense protocols, (which functioned effectively over 50 times the last year) and the lies and contradictions between NORAD, the FAA, Secret Service, and the Air force? ...

Why has the current [Bush / Cheney] regime obstructed any serious attempt to investigate the circumstances that led to 9/11? ...

Why did one member, [Senator] Max Cleland, resign from the [9/11] Commission after accusing it of incompetence and lack of dedication ... http://www.mujca.com/muslims.htm

Signatory 11/19/04: Complaint filed with the Attorney General, State of New York for a new independent grand jury investigation of 9/11.

"We, the complainant signatories below, petition the Attorney General of New York, on behalf of millions of New Yorkers who also call for a fearless independent inquiry; for the sake of residents, workers, and business owners in New York—most particularly in and near "Ground Zero"; and also on behalf of other Americans who have lost employees, friends, and family members as well as health, business, and personal assets and civil, privacy, and other rights in the events of September 11, 2001 and their aftermath.

We approach your office as concerned citizens desiring to bring to light the truth about the events of 9/11." http://www.justicefor911.org

Bio: http://www.suficircle.com/event-khan.html

John Hiebert

John C. Hiebert, MD, PhD

John C. Hiebert, MD, Harvard Medical School; PhD (Evolutionary Biology), Harvard University; Postdoctoral Fellow (Developmental Biology), Stanford University School of Medicine – ABA Board Certified Anesthesiologist. Assistant Clinical Professor, Tufts University

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The events of September 11, 2001 have been used by our government to justify killing over one million people. President Obama, within weeks of his inauguration, invoked 9/11 as a justification for sending 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan. Our civil liberties have been eroded by the Patriot Act of 2001, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, the Protect America Act of 2007, and numerous other Orwellian edicts. The official explanation for 9/11 has been conveyed in the mainstream media with astonishing certainty beginning within hours of the attacks. Does this explanation deserve merit? Sadly and disturbingly not. High school physics, a bit of chemistry, and common sense lay bare a false narrative pushed aggressively by the mainstream media.

‘We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’ -- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981-1987.

‘The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.’ -- William Colby, CIA Director, 1973-1976.

The facts of 9/11 tell the real story. Here are a few impossibilities that serve as tip to the iceberg:

Impossible: rapid and extreme destruction without additional energy source.

Impossible: free-fall speed by pile driver mechanism.

Impossible: molten steel from office fires, still flowing weeks later.

Impossible: numerous examples of prior knowledge -- WTC collapse known by Giuliani; WTC 7 collapse known by officials on the scene, on video; WTC 7 ‘collapse’ reported by multiple news media outlets while the building still stood.

Impossible: that X-ray energy dispersive spectra of multiple 9/11 dust samples would show the chemical fingerprint of the high-energy explosive thermate, if no explosives were used on that day. (ref. J. 9/11 Studies, vol. 19, Jan. 2008)"

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

James Brophy

James M. Brophy III, DDS,

James M. Brophy III, BS in biology /chemistry, DDS in dental surgery, Assoc. BS in anthropology/archeology, FACD, FICD, FPFA, FADI – Dentist. Fellow, American College of Dentistry. Fellow, International College of Dentistry. Fellow, the Pierre Fauchard Academy. Fellow, Academy of Dentistry International. International Editor, Pierre Fauchard Academy's Dental World (1988-current). Editor of Pierre Fauchard - First Dental Surgeon.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I am in agreement with the mission statement of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth. I am shocked that the public has again been so disgustedly hoodwinked. As a former chemist for Baxter-Travenol and John Crane Packing Products; as an Assistant Professor for Loyola University's Biomaterials Department, and as an Editor for several scientific publications; I have interviewed and discussed this situation with engineers and others; I have checked on the facts in the CD video to find them accurate and truthful. I am proud to stand up and endorse your petition."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

David Moskowitz

David W. Moskowitz, MD, FACP

David W. Moskowitz, MD, FACP – Physician, researcher, and pioneer in the field of medical genomics. Former Member of the Faculty, St. Louis University School of Medicine (11 years).

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The laws of physics and chemistry still held on 9/11. So how did three of the strongest buildings on earth suddenly turn into thin air? And how did the air defense around the Pentagon, the world's best defended building, evaporate? Like any mystery story, there's a simple explanation. (For my money, there's only one man who was in a position to have ordered both the demolition of the World Trade Center buildings by KBR/Halliburton and the stand-down over Washington, Dick Cheney. Of course, he had co-conspirators). Before we get too far into a never-ending War on Terror, let's get to the bottom of this whole historical misadventure. And we might want to clear up a few other American mysteries, like how FDR allowed the Navy to be caught unawares at Pearl Harbor, and how Alan Dulles et al. killed JFK. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Paul Getty

Lt. Col. Paul F. Getty, DDS

Lt. Col. Paul F. Getty, DDS, U.S. Army Dental Corps (ret) – Dentist, trained in Periodontics. Retired from military after 30 years of service including 13 years active duty U.S. Navy, 5 years U.S. Naval Reserve, 1 year U.S. Army ROTC, 11 years U.S. Army, North Carolina National Guard. In private practice for more than 20 years.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I am a very skeptical person, but I have spent a great deal of time studying 9/11, and I have come to realize that there are hundreds, even thousands, of bits of evidence of contradictions, lying, improbabilities, impossibilities, and changing stories in the official explanation of 9/11. I feel very strongly that we cannot move forward as a nation and find a way to a better future until we find with certainty the real story of what happened that fateful day.

I encourage everyone to read what people like David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, Richard Gage, Kevin Ryan, and others have to say about 9/11. These are real patriots, and all are very logical and science based. Americans need to hear what these people have to say. Our media has been in lockdown on all of this. We have got to get this information out to the public."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:
"This event changed history. Finally having the American people understand the complicity of our government will also change history, for the better." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Julien Arbor

Dr. Julien Arbor

Dr. Julien Arbor – Licensed Clinical Psychologist, State of Illinois, with specialization in health psychology and additional training in various holistic healing modalities.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

William Romoser

William S. Romoser, PhD

William S. Romoser, PhD – Professor of Medical Entomology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University. Core Faculty Member, African Studies, Ohio University Center for International Studies. Communication Development Faculty, Ohio University Center for International Studies. Former Director, International Development Studies, Ohio University Center for International Studies. Member, Institute for the African Child. Former Director, Ohio University Tropical Disease Institute. National Research Council Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, 1984 - 1985. U.S. Army Summer Faculty Research & Engineering Program, Virology Division, Fort Detrick, 1983 - 1984, 1996 - 2003. Author of numerous journal articles and conference papers on entomology in general and many specifically on mosquitoes and diseases transmitted by them. Original author and co-author of subsequent editions of The Science of Entomology (1973, 4th ed. 1997). Contributing author to Biology of Disease Vectors (1996), Medical Entomology--A Textbook on Public Health and Veterinary Problems Caused by Arthropods (2000).

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I strongly endorse, and am more than pleased to sign the petition representing the Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth. This document, along with many others, is a clear and concise statement of valid concerns that have yet to be addressed in an open, truthful way by the mainstream media or the U.S. Government."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I have been a college professor and active scientist for nearly 45 years.

From the day I watched the TV news coverage of the Twin Towers free-fall to the ground and then awhile later heard that Building 7, though not hit by a plane, also free-fell to the ground, I thought, along with some of the early news commentators, that the collapses looked like controlled demolitions.

Then there was the clear reticence on the part of the Bush Administration to open an investigation. Finally and begrudgingly the 9/11 Commission was named and produced what turned out to be a woefully incomplete and inadequate assessment. In the face of the magnitude and gravity of 9/11, the cost in dollars and, most importantly, the horrendous loss of human lives, such an inadequate treatment is not acceptable under any standards.

Not long after 9/11, websites began to appear which posed fair and reasonable questions challenging the “official” version of how the buildings fell, and related issues. The writings of prominent scholars, such as David Ray Griffin and others, considered the diverse and mounting pieces of evidence in systematic and thoughtful ways. While one may disagree with the interpretation of this or that piece of evidence, the emerging mosaic of physical, economic, political and social evidence is compelling and demands a reinvestigation.

Frankly, at this point I don’t see how our country can go forward as a democracy until this matter is fully and completely settled by an independent, comprehensive, competent investigation by a body with full subpoena power." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Webpage: http://www.oucom.ohiou.edu/dbms-romoser

Frances Shure

Frances Shure, M.Ed, MA, LPC

Frances Shure, M.Ed, MA, LPC – Psychotherapist. Licensed Professional Counselor. 30 years experience. Adjunct Instructor, Naropa University.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Co-founder: Colorado 9/11 Visibility: Association Statement

"Colorado911Visibility.org is a multipartisan group of Colorado citizens dedicated to educating the public about what really happened on 9/11.

Our goals are:

• full public disclosure of and accountability for the events of 9/11, via an independent investigation willing to follow the truth wherever it leads.

• the restoration of human rights and civil liberties lost in the aftermath of 9/11.

• the cessation of “false-flag” terrorist events, perpetrated by hidden parties with the goal of mobilizing public opinion against a predetermined enemy.

We strive to maintain the highest standards of evidence and ethics and resist unfounded speculation and disinformation."

Essay Disturbing Questions Yet Unanswered About the 9/11 Attacks 9/04:

"As peace and justice activists, we must address the violence and injustice in the world and do our best to prevent and alleviate the suffering that results. However, to be more effective in our work, we must also stand back and discern the root causes of oppression, violence, and injustice.

The sole political root cause of the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, and of the passage of the Patriot Act and the formation of the Department of Homeland Security has been the attacks of September 11, 2001. Without 9/11, Americans would have never tolerated these events. And yet, there are numerous very disturbing issues surrounding 9/11 that have not been investigated in any meaningful way by Congress, the 9/11 Commission, or the media.

In fact, due to the nearly total blackout in the U.S. news media, few Americans even know that there are serious uninvestigated questions—questions which challenge the "official story" of the 9/11 attacks, and which strongly imply complicity by elements of the U.S. Government.

Few know that the 9/11 Commission has consciously ignored these questions. They were presented to the Commissioners by the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission (family members of 9/11 victims) who begged them to investigate these questions. As one family member was told by a commissioner, "it's not the Washington way to ask pointed questions." ...

Those of us in this 9/11 truth movement are not saying definitively that there was complicity or orchestration by elements of our government. We are saying that it is outrageous that there is not a thorough investigation into each and every one of the allegations which imply complicity. We are also saying that it is outrageous that President Bush did everything in his power to stop any investigation and that the 9/11 Commission members were rife with conflicts of interests.

It is time for Americans to inform themselves and demand an investigation. If we do not, can we be surprised if we sustain another terrorist attack? Or have more of our Constitutional freedoms legislated away from us? We must not be in denial any longer. Our elected representatives know it is political suicide to approach this subject, so it is up to us. We are going to have to lead our leaders." http://www.denjustpeace.org

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"As far as I am aware, no building in the history of skyscrapers has completely collapsed at free fall speed (WTC 7) or virtually free fall speed (WTC 1 & 2) into the path of most resistance, with all or most of the characteristics of controlled demolition, due to damage and fire as did the 3 WTC buildings on 9/11/01. This fact alone warrants a new, truly independent, investigation into the events surrounding, and on, that infamous day." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,030 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Hal Snyder

Hal Snyder, MD

Hal Snyder, MD – Physician. Software Engineer. Social Activist.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement made at Press Conference for 9/11: Revealing the Truth. Reclaiming Our Future 6/2/06:

"As regards 9/11, you'll hear about 'conspiracy theorists', but I'm going to make the point that you don't have to subscribe to a single theory. You don't have to offer a single conjecture. ... The burden is not on you to come up with a theory in order to have serious issues with the story of 9/11, the official version. All you need is a small amount of curiosity and a modicum of critical thinking and you will be led to serious concerns enough to keep you awake nights wondering: What is going on? What happened? Where is it taking us?"
At 14:15 of the video at http://www.911truth.org
Link to Dr. Snyder's slide presentation: http://citizenstruth.info/denial-talk/mgp00001.html

Ed Kendrick

J. Edward Kendrick, DDS

J. Edward Kendrick, DDS – Dentist. Fellow in the American College of Dentists. Past President, Greater Kansas City Dental Society. Former Member, Missouri Department of Health advisory board.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The future of the human journey on this planet turns on whether we confront these biggest deceptions in recorded history. Great good will come from this confrontation. Forensic science has the answers to overturn the official story.

Many thanks to the FEMA report authors who included Appendix C “LIMITED METALLURGICAL EXAMINATION” which concludes with a suggestion of “further investigation” into the cause of rapid sulfidation and oxidation of steel samples from the Twin Towers and WTC7.

We dentists have studied about melting of metals (science of “eutectics”); and we can understand that the FEMA electron micrographs of sulfidation at the grain boundaries of structural steel combined with energy dispersive X-ray analysis of the resulting chemical compounds is a chemical fingerprint of a process that is consistent with incendiary compounds that shouldn't have been in the buildings. Combine this with the discovery of thermate chips and iron spherules in dust samples from ground zero and the case for demolition compounds being used on the buildings is made."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"Post-graduate studies in metals (dental materials) gives me an understanding of eutectics, melting temperatures and mass spectrographic analysis.

FEMA Appendix C supports the hypothesis of thermate use. NIST denial of the evidence of molten iron and NIST admission of not testing for explosives residue are indicative of criminal negligence in the investigation." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

William Eidelman

William S. Eidelman, MD

William S. Eidelman, MD – Physician. Specialty: Alternative/Natural Medicine

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"We the People deserve an authentic investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Just as the 9/11 attacks have been used as an excuse for launching a horrendous series of wars, a true investigation leading to the true perpetrators of 9/11 might just be only way to bring to an end this "war on terror."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Petition to Release Information Pertaining to 9/11 10/5/06:

"A complete in-depth investigation of 9/11 is long overdue." http://www.petitiononline.com/july10

Signatory of Petition to Release Information Pertaining to 9/11 10/5/06:

"We, the undersigned, demand the immediate declassification and release of:
all transcripts and documents relating to the July 10, 2001 meeting that took place between former CIA Director George Tenet and then National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. It has been alleged that this urgent and out-of-the-ordinary meeting was called to discuss the increasingly dire warnings of an imminent al Qaeda attack within the U.S. ...
the redacted 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry Into The Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 (JICI), and
the CIA Inspector General’s report, CIA Accountability With Respect To The 9/11 Attacks

The disastrous nature of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks warrant the release of all of this information so that the American public may learn what its government did or did not do to protect them. Had this nation been properly warned of the looming and imminent terrorist threat, life saving choices could have been made that day." http://www.petitiononline.com/july10

Websites: http://www.DrEidelman.com, http://www.BeAddictionFree.com

Giacomo Consalez

Giacomo Consalez, MD

Giacomo Consalez, MD – Director, Developmental Neurogenetics Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy. Author or co-author of numerous research articles regarding neuroscience. Co-editor, Notch Signaling And Nervous System Development (Developmental Neuroscience) (2006).

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Webpage: http://www.unisr.it/view.asp?id=3564

Robert Thorne

Robert B. Thorne, MD

Robert B. Thorne, MD – Board Certified Physiatrist. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Three patients I was seeing in an office in New York City died on 9/11 in the WTC. (That office was three blocks away from the WTC). I subsequently joined New York 9/11 Truth (the best organization I know of), bought a Canon XL-2 video recorder, videoed two of the more historic NY 9/11 Truth meetings, learned how to use Windows Movie Maker and SONY Vegas Pro, and put them up on Google video, as well as on 3 DVDs that I've mailed out (free) to numerous people and organizations and told them to copy and distribute freely. These Google videos are available at: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2204146075909664006 and

I also strongly support the efforts of another 9/11 Truth advocate, Lt. Col. Bob Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret), former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. His biography is at http://thepatriots.us/pg_02_Bowman_02.html"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"The official story of 9/11 is the biggest lie of the 21st Century. When one sees videos of the collapses of the WTC Towers, sees the bright flashes of light and the demolition squibs, hears the sound similar to thunder over downtown Manhattan, and sees the Richter scale measurements of these explosions, some of which measure 2.3 and 2.1 on the Richter scale, there is absolutely no doubt that these buildings were demolished by unconventional explosives. The buildings were pulverized, the official story is a huge lie. We need the truth more than anything at this time." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Signatory of Petition of Solidarity to the Attorney General of New York for a new independent grand jury investigation of 9/11 11/19/04:

"We the undersigned: a) think that there is ample evidence and probable cause to believe that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11; b) observe that most of these apparent crimes, including but not limited to abetment of mass murder, criminal negligence, insider trading, and obstruction of justice fall well within the jurisdiction of New York's top law enforcement officials ..." http://www.justicefor911.org

Oscar Bini

Oscar Abudara Bini, MD

Oscar Abudara Bini, MD – Psychiatrist - Psychoanalyst. Member, International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA)

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"As the director of 911TRUTH Buenos Aires, as an investigator of terrorism, and especially as a doctor, I strongly support the principles and requests of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth. In addition to the deaths that occurred on that day and the longer term health problems caused by it, 9/11 was the pretext used to ignite a TERROR PANDEMIC throughout the entire world."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory of Petition of Solidarity to the Attorney General of New York for a new independent grand jury investigation of 9/11 11/19/04:

"We the undersigned: a) think that there is ample evidence and probable cause to believe that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11; b) observe that most of these apparent crimes, including but not limited to abetment of mass murder, criminal negligence, insider trading, and obstruction of justice fall well within the jurisdiction of New York's top law enforcement officials ..." http://www.justicefor911.org

Gwyllyn Goddard

Gwyllyn S. Goddard, BSc, MD, CCFP

Gwyllyn S. Goddard, BSc, MD, CCFP – Family Practice Physician. Certificant of the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I fully support and endorse the scientific and factual examination of the 9/11 events, characters, places, and times. Examining and understanding the events of 9/11 is, in my opinion, an essential and vital pursuit because it is the most easily accessible entry point for an otherwise blinded citizen to begin understanding the greater Truth of global events these days.

In my review of the respected research on basic scientific impossibilities of the official 9/11 story, I am compelled to go a few steps further than simply wanting to "question" or “investigate.” I would dare say that it is clear to me that a great majority of the information being fed to the masses by religions, mass media, politicians, multinational corporations and monetary cartels are nothing more than lies, propaganda and half-truths designed to keep us ignorant and malleable.

Everyday we learn more to prove that the corporations, cartels, and corrupt elite families use lies, debt, war, and fear-mongering so that they may maintain living as parasites on a host.

Thanks to computers, the Internet and improvements in communication, I believe that the citizens of this planet are living in a time of great awakening, possibility, and opportunity in terms of the potential for mutual peace, understanding, scientific advancements, ecological sustainability, freedom from debt slavery, and creation of prosperity for all.

As educated professionals, we must work to be a part of the Solution by acting as leaders in the scientific and factual investigation of the Truth – wherever and whenever that challenge may present itself."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Rick Saunders

Rick Saunders, BS, MS, DDS

Rick Saunders, BS Chem, MS Orthodontics, DDS – Orthodontist

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been researching the events of 9/11 for several years now, and fully support the work of Richard Gage, Steven Jones, David Griffin and especially Pilotsfor911truth.

It wasn't until I saw questions being asked about WTC7 that I began to open my eyes regarding the falsehoods being forced on us as answers. Falling back on my studies of chemistry and physics, it didn't take long for me to become aware that something was terribly amiss. I have no pet theories regarding where responsibility lies, and can only hope that enough people "wake up" so that a new investigation can be initiated."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"From the very outset, I felt that the "collapses" appeared controlled. There can be no other explanation for #7. Finally, in reading the work of Dr. [Steven] Jones et al., and NIST completely ignoring critical findings -- a new investigation must be done!" http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Selden Spencer

Selden Spencer, MD

Selden Spencer, MD – Neurologist

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have read some on 9/11 and viewed some DVDs and find too many loose ends to be confident about the official story. In particular I do not know why Bldg. 7 fell down nor how the Pentagon was breached by a large plane through a small hole with no video record of its approach. Our actions since 9/11 have been predicated on one interpretation of events. If that interpretation is wrong then we have been acting on false information which always leads to trouble in medicine and I fear has lead to trouble in our national policy."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Jens Wagner

Jens Wagner, MD

Jens Wagner, MD – General Practice and Homeopathy

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Anyone with clear understanding, basic knowledge in physics and mechanics and logical abilities, who is willing to look into the evidence and to connect the dots, will come to the conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job!"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Gary Kohls

Gary G. Kohls, MD

Gary G. Kohls, MD – Retired Family Practice Physician. Specialized in holistic and preventive mental health care with expertise in the areas of traumatic stress disorders, brain nutrition, non-pharmaceutical approaches to mental ill health, neurotransmitter disorders, neurotoxicity from food additives (and other environmental toxins) and the problems with psychotropic drugs. Member of The Midwest Holistic Medical Association, the International Center for the Study of Psychology and Psychiatry, The International Psychohistorical Association and MindFreedom International. Former Instructor, Psychology Department, University of Minnesota at Duluth.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I am a family physician who, for the past decade before my retirement in 2008, practiced what is best described as holistic mental health care using entirely non-drug approaches to achieve mental wellness. A thorough understanding of the adverse effects of psychological trauma on mental health (i.e. posttraumatic stress disorder and its variants) and effectively treating those realities was one of several critically important factors I utilized to achieve success in treating patients who had been falsely labeled as having a mental illness "of unknown etiology".

The psychological trauma that directly or indirectly victimized uncounted millions of people on 9/11 must also be thoroughly understood because entire social groups can also develop PTSD symptoms (and thus easily be erroneously diagnosed as developing a mental illness of unknown etiology when in reality they have only become temporarily overwhelmed with grief, sadness, nervousness, sleep deprivation, malnutrition, etc).

I have been a disbeliever of the absurd and unsupportable White House conspiracy theories about 9/11 since day one and, after considering the overwhelming, irrefutable scientific evidence debunking those "official" theories, have arrived at the only plausible and logical conclusion about the so-called "mystery" of 9/11: it had to be an inside job.

The towers HAD to fall down dramatically for the as yet unknown domestic conspirators to achieve the "New Pearl Harbor" event that was desired by them. (Parenthetically, in considering who would be motivated to orchestrate this complicated event, the neoconservatives in the Project for the New American Century and the supporters of the PNAC agenda, must be the prime suspects and, as such, they must be interrogated in an upcoming unbiased investigation.)

Planes simply hitting skyscrapers and then burning out would not have incited the naive and easily brainwashable Congress nor the equally brainwashable and obedient citizens to go along with a costly and criminal war for control of Mideast oil and global hegemony. Without the buildings coming down, all the evidence of the crash would remain intact and discoverable and the cover-up would have been immensely more difficult.

In order for sufficient alarm and anger to be generated, the buildings had to be dramatically demolished on live TV by the obviously pre-planted implosive devices, with the conspirators hoping that the likewise pre-planned cover-up (by the White House, the mainstream media, the talking heads, the military/industrial complex and the Cheney/Bush insiders) would sail through.

I have been emailing large portions of the massive evidence that 9/11 was a false flag operation and an inside job to many people in my sphere of influence for the past 8 years and am happy to become an official member of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Website: http://www.mindbodymedicineduluth.com

Patrick Carrington

Patrick R. Carrington, MD

Patrick R. Carrington, MD – Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Member of the International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas. Associate Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, the main clinical journal for the Specialty of Dermatology. Former Professor of Dermatology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Former Chief of Dermatology Services, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Nefarious half-truths will not be denied in government circles, this is known. But they must not be accepted by those not in power. As such, the Romanesque denigration of society must be stopped by the populace. By pen, preferably."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Mohammad Huq

Mohammad Ariful Huq,

Mohammad Ariful Huq, MB BS, FCP – Fellow of the College of Paediatrics. In charge of Paediatric ICU.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"1. No terrorist attacked WTC and Pentagon. 9/11 could be called a ‘false flag’ operation. There was no ‘stand down’ order at all; all the four were “pseudo-hijackings”. Some grand investors (aware of the conspiracy) sold specific shares just before 9/11.

2. WTC 1, 2, 6 & 7 were actively demolished- techniques were not same. Very sophisticated demolition of WTC 1 & 2.

2a. WTC 7 was demolished at 17h20 (in 6.6 seconds) by typical controlled demolition technique. None other than US state security forces could place cutter charges in WTC 7, which housed the offices of CIA, Dept. of Defense and hypermodern Emergency Command Center.

2b. WTC 6 top (at 09h59, exactly the moment when south tower was pulverized) was blown off into powder by explosives leaving two huge craters at the sub-basement level. At that moment, WTC 1 & 3 was standing in between these two demolishing buildings.

2c. Different types of explosives were used in different combinations to demolish twin towers, which include nano-thermites. Nano-thermite is in the hands of few research laboratories in the US and the army, and apparently nowhere else.

3. The flying objects that hit WTC 1 and/or 2 (if at all!), was not what we saw in the Conspiracy-collaborator news media (CNN etc.). We saw a video-plane with pod getting absorbed (100%) within the tower just before the ‘fireworks display’ mimicking the aircraft impact.

4. No Boeing (AA Flight 77 @ 09h37) crashed in Pentagon when an E4B was in the sky above pentagon. Something else blew holes (16 feet wide) in the Pentagon that morning. No Boeing (UA Flight 93 @ 10h06) could disappear completely through 10 feet deep circular crater of Pennsylvania.

5. 9/11 was designed to implement new world order, while demolishing white elephant skyscrapers.

6. I strongly believe that London train bombing, Bali explosion and Shoe bomber event were all linked and designed by 9/11's executors.

7. The Anthrax story needs detailed attention from Medical Professionals. The DNA Sequence of the ‘Weaponized Anthrax-letter’ organisms was genetically compatible to the ones in possession of US Military [‘Ames strain’ of Bio-defense laboratory Fort Detrick, Maryland]. Staff around Dick Cheney was taking Ciprofloxacin even before the first Anthrax letter was posted.

8. The whole demolition program was very complex and difficult to execute. It took months of preparation. So, the process was started during Bill Clinton's Presidency. So far, the present President did not show courage to expose the truth.

9. For the Muslims it is a difficult time to speak out loudly, as they could be trapped easily with the false evidences to qualify them for ‘Guantanamo bay’ – “the other picture of American democracy and human rights”. Many of the small hard-lined Muslim groups involved in terrorist activities (all over the world) are actively funded and supported by the secret services including CIA, M16, and ISI etc.

10. Could Americans ever stand up and accuse their own mighty Frankenstein Army and secret agencies for the holocaust of 9/11 in NY and subsequent ongoing holocaust in Afghanistan and Iraq?

11. Few escape goats like Dr. Bruce Edwards Ivins would be slaughtered eventually, to give the blame to certain individuals within and outside USA.

The truth will prevail"
Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I am a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit In-charge. My first questions about 911 appeared in 2006 after watching a DVD called a Call to Reopen 911 Investigation." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Richard Welser

Richard D. Welser, PhD

Richard D. Welser, PhD – Clinical Neuropsychologist. Forensic Psychologist. Former Chief Psychologist, General Psychiatry Division, Broughton Hospital.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice since its creation. It has been obvious for quite a while now that the attacks on 9/11 were part of a false flag attack -- in the classic sense, to justify an agenda of global hegemony and the elimination of Constitutional rights within the Republic of the United States. It is difficult to accommodate traditional theories of geopolitical events with the knowledge that we have been damaged and manipulated, as a society, in such a manner.

9/11 is arguably, the most successful Psyop ever perpetrated against the American populace. It is time to reveal it as it truly was ... and is. And its status within the complex of manipulations of the American People."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"When you look at the empirical data, instead of making it up to conform to your presuppositions (the official conspiracy theory) as did NIST, then you are compelled to suspect some aspect of government complicity in this tragic false flag psyop against the American people. Simply watching the explosive detonations of WTC 1 & 2 (with tiny fragments of blown-up humans found hundreds of feet away on top of the Deutch bldg and few recognizable pieces of anything in the rubble) and the obvious traditional controlled demolition of WTC 7 serve as prima facie cause for a new, thoroughly independent investigation with subpoena power." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Paul Johansson

Paul Johansson, MS, PhD

Paul Johansson, MS, PhD – Clinical psychologist/psychotherapy researcher, University of Oslo and National Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies, Norway. Co-author of several journal articles regarding the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"In 2007, I stumbled upon some films and books that claimed 9/11 was an inside job. Prior to that I had categorically rejected any such notions as conspiracy nuttery. After carefully examining the evidence
however I realized, to my immediate dismay, that the true perpetrators behind the atrocities of 9/11 were not Islamic fundamentalists. Instead, I became convinced that the attacks were planned and carried out by elements of the U.S. government (probably in collaboration with foreign agencies) in order to push forward an agenda of perpetual war and dismantling of basic constitutional rights.

It also became clear to me just how desperately dysfunctional our media is, as it has not been able or willing to truly investigate this hideous crime. Fortunately, the crime was not perfectly executed, and there are numerous 'smoking guns', e.g. the collapse of WTC 7.

I believe 9/11 provides an extraordinary opportunity for us to wake up to the fact that we the people have been lied to, are still being lied to, and will continue to be lied to for as long as we allow it to go on. By remaining oblivious to the true objectives and methods of those who deceive us, we set ourselves up for more of the same. But if we reach critical mass with regard to 9/11 awakening, it could have staggering implications, not only for the United States but for the entire world. You snooze, you lose they say, and the American people need to seize this rare chance to awaken from a long slumber. The true perpetrators must be held accountable. Only then can democracy and civil liberties be restored.

In the history of science there have been three major blows to human narcissism. Nicolaus Copernicus first displaced us from the center of the physical universe. Later, Charles Darwin placed our species firmly within the organismic order of nature, thereby robbing us of much of our self-proclaimed special status. The third blow came our way when Sigmund Freud insisted that our ego is not the master in its own house. I believe a fourth blow to our perception of the world and ourselves is inevitable if we wish to evolve. It can be ignored of course, as can any of the three previous blows. But if we listen, 9/11 has something very important to tell us about what is going on in the world, and in all of us."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Ronald Feintech

Ronald Feintech, PhD

Ronald Feintech, BS, MA, PhD Clinical Psychology – Licensed Psychologist. Diplomate in Sex Therapy, American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory of Petition of Solidarity to the Attorney General of New York for a new independent grand jury investigation of 9/11 11/19/04:

"We the undersigned: a) think that there is ample evidence and probable cause to believe that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11; b) observe that most of these apparent crimes, including but not limited to abetment of mass murder, criminal negligence, insider trading, and obstruction of justice fall well within the jurisdiction of New York's top law enforcement officials ..." http://www.justicefor911.org

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Research proves the current administration has been dishonest about what happened in New York and Washington, D.C. The World Trade Center was almost certainly brought down by controlled demolitions and that the available relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the government's official story about the attack on the Pentagon."

Cynthia Bernd

Cynthia Bernd, RNC

Cynthia Bernd, RNC – Board Certified Registered Nurse. Licensed in the States of California, Florida, and Texas. Specialty in perinatal nursing.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I realized 2 years ago that 9/11 was a False Flag Operation. Anyone who closely examines the videos of the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7 can see that these are not gravity driven, crush down collapse like NIST states. You can see explosions going all the way around the buildings, falling at the speed of gravity, with no resistance to the mass beneath them, and in WTC 7 you can see the shock waves seconds before the towers collapse. I am horrified knowing that our mainstream media chooses not to address all the inconsistencies pointed out by David Ray Griffin and the 9/11 Truth Movement. The facts surrounding 9/11 don't support the claim made by the official story, we need an honest and bipartisan investigation and ask the hard questions wherever that might lead."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory of Petition of Solidarity to the Attorney General of New York for a new independent grand jury investigation of 9/11 11/19/04:

"We the undersigned: a) think that there is ample evidence and probable cause to believe that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11; b) observe that most of these apparent crimes, including but not limited to abetment of mass murder, criminal negligence, insider trading, and obstruction of justice fall well within the jurisdiction of New York's top law enforcement officials ..." http://www.justicefor911.org

Clifford Cassidy

Clifford Cassidy, BSc, MSc

Clifford Cassidy, BSc Physiology, MSc Neuroscience – Medical researcher and PhD candidate in psychiatric research. Co-author of several journal articles pertaining to the effect of medication on brain function.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The reason the alternate theories of 9/11 had traction for me was because of the rock solid scientific evidence for fatal flaws in the official story. I am always heartened to see further scientific clout in debunking the nonsense official account and it is vital that professionals with specialized knowledge speak out. We need this kind of backing and notoriety to overcome the all too easy tendency to be relegated into the conspiracy theory corner."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"For the first time I feel compelled to speak out about a cause because this is such an important thing and the facts are so clear. I believe in science before anything else. When several laws of physics must be broken in one time and place repeatedly for the official story to begin to be plausible it is impossible for me to continue to believe such a story. Watch the talk by Richard Gage if you have not already, it is unanswerable." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Thomas Landefeld

Thomas Landefeld, MS, PhD

Thomas Landefeld, MS, PhD Reproductive Endocrinology – Professor and medical researcher, specializing in reproductive endocrinology. Professor of Biology and Former Associate Dean, College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences, California State University, Dominguez Hills. Former Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Michigan Medical School. Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University Medical College and Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis. Recipient of 7 research grants and 2 training grants from the National Institutes of Health and several more from other grant sources.

Member of the professional associations: Sigma Xi, Society for the Study of Reproduction, American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Endocrine Society, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, American Association of Higher Education, National Association of Medical Minority Educators (NAMME), and the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions. Grant Reviewer for: National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Medical Research Council of Canada, and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Editorial Reviewer for the journals: Endocrinology, Biology of Reproduction, Endocrine Reviews, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Neuroendocrinology, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Molecular Endocrinology, and Journal of Biological Chemistry. Author of more than 40 peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"As a scientist, I have been deeply disappointed in the reporting of the events surrounding 9/11 and even more so with the obvious disregard of those scientific facts that have been reported. The "fall out" and repercussions from this event will continue to be felt for years and by not knowing the real facts, no one is accountable for this. We need to know the true facts regarding an event as significant as this to our history."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Joe Hawkins

Joseph Hawkins, BSc, DC

Joseph Hawkins, BSc, DC – Doctor of Chiropractic. 9 years in private practice, operating a multidisciplinary healing clinic. Co-founder of http://stoplying.ca, a Canadian 9/11 truth website.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"The evidence is clear. Newtonian physics dose not lie. Controlled demolition is obvious." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Michael Copass

Michael Copass, AB, BS, MS

Michael Copass, AB Classics, BS Biology, MS Microbiology & Molecular Genetics – Former bacterial pathogenesis and vaccine development researcher. Currently business, scientific, and research consultant.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Fred Burks

Fred Burks, RN

Fred Burks, RN – Registered Nurse. 10-year career. Former State Department Interpreter for Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, Vice Presidents Dick Cheney and Al Gore, Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright. 18-year State Department career.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Essay: "How is it possible that our military's highly touted missile detections systems could not locate Flight 77 in the 42 minutes it was known to be lost before it crashed into the heart of the defense system of the U.S.? …

An even bigger question is why isn't our media asking these questions? Why isn't our military spending many millions of dollars to find out why military defense systems failed on 9/11? Why is it that the 9/11 commission budget was far less than the budget allotted to the Challenger Disaster or even the Monika Lewinsky affair?" http://www.wanttoknow.info/911star

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry." http://www.911truth.org/article

Lou Stolzenberg

Lou Stolzenberg,
BS Physical Therapy

Lou Stolzenberg, BS Physical Therapy – Licensed Physical Therapist, State of Wisconsin

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The U. S. policy of killing and injuring people, based on a fraudulent 9/11 story, needs to be stopped as soon as possible. Seeking 9/11 Truth is essential for the mental and physical well being of all world citizens."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Coordinator: Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement

"When faced with actions that conflict with the universal moral principle that we should not do to others what we would not want done to ourselves or our loved ones, members of faith communities have a responsibility to voice their opposition to those actions. Many religious leaders throughout history have publicly challenged morally unacceptable practices---recently, for example, in the civil rights and anti-apartheid movements.

A significant moral challenge has emerged due to glaring discrepancies between the official version of the events of September 11, 2001, and the results of extensive independent research by individuals with relevant scientific or professional expertise. . . . As a result of this extensive research carried out by scientists and professionals, it can now be seen that the official account of 9/11 is false beyond any reasonable doubt. ... Because the false account of 9/11 has led to [numerous] evils, it is incumbent on religious leaders, once they realize that the official account is a lie, to speak out."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I was very impressed with Richard Gage's presentation on Why the Towers Fell. It was clear, logical, thorough and included essential comparisons with buildings destroyed by other means." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Carl Friar

Carl James Friar

Carl James Friar – Senior Paramedic and Ambulance Station Team Leader. Registered Paramedic. Former Medic, British Army, Gulf War veteran. 10 year Army career.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"It is quite clear that the so called 'official story' of the events of September 11th is a fabrication of what actually occurred that day.

For the love of humanity, for our future and for the future of our children, we must re-open the investigation to 9/11. When we all take some responsibility the human race will actually discover itself, we might even like what we find!

It's not about terror, it's about illusion. It's not about war, it's about you.

Stop worrying, take risks. Be brave.

The Revolution is not being televised - it's being REALISED!"

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"When I remember back to when they first saw the towers collapse my first instinct was 'that did not look right' it was too quick, too exact and too clinical.

After studying the evidence that has been surfacing over the past few years I am in no doubt whatsoever that the WTC 1,2 and 7 were brought down with something more than just kerosene and gravity." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Anne Brackett

Anne Brackett, BA, RCP

Anne Brackett, BA Psych, RCP – Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner, State of California

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I'm not sure exactly when I became aware of the inconsistencies and outright deceptions surrounding the 9/11 tragedy, but I do know that I've wanted to be a part of an organization that I feel connected to and that is based in following the evidence to an intelligent and ultimate conclusion."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Joshua Mitteldorf

Joshua Mitteldorf, PhD

Joshua Mitteldorf, PhD – Researcher, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona. Former instructor of physics, math, astronomy, and evolution at Harvard, University of California at Berkeley, Temple University, University of Pennsylvania, LaSalle University and Bryn Mawr.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement to the PatriotsQuestion911.com website 1/15/07:

"Three prominent and readily observable features of the collapse of the Twin Towers on the morning of 9/11 are inconsistent with the official explanation involving fires and "pancaking". ...

First, the towers collapsed quickly ...

Second, the collapse was symmetrical. Natural events (including fires) will always be governed by a certain amount of randomness. Some situations are stable and inherently restore symmetry; but the collapse of a tall building is not one of them. ...

Third, each collapse began with an explosion in the upper storIes that carried impressive energy. Jet fuel will burn, but not explode. ... The explosions that are readily observable in videos of the towers’ collapse could only have been produced by commercial explosives. ...

Finally, I mention only for extra emphasis that a third tower (WTC 7) collapsed 6 hours after the first two. It was never struck by a plane, and fires in WTC 7 were far smaller than the other two towers, and confined to one side of the building. Yet WTC 7 also collapsed suddenly and symmetrically, almost as fast as a free fall – hallmarks of controlled demolition. The 9/11 Report of the Kean Commission omits any mention of Building 7, and no government agency has even proposed an explanation of how it fell.

Conclusion: We may differ over the political plausibility of conspiracies that have been proposed in connection with the destruction of 9/11. But the physical implausibility of the official scenario concerning the towers’ collapse should be beyond dispute. This is an area where physicists’ calculations and our commonsense notions of how tall objects fall down both point to the conclusion that sophisticated engineering and carefully-timed explosive charges would be required for the towers to fall in the manner that they did." Link to statement

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Bio: http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jmitteld/

Allen Roland

Allen L. Roland, MA, PhD, MFT

Allen L. Roland, MA, PhD, MFT – Psychotherapist, columnist. blogger and radio show host. A leading figure in the anti-war and wellness movement as well as the 9/11 truth movement. Former Fighter Pilot, U.S. Navy, serving on the carrier USS Ranger. Author of Radical Therapy: Surrender to Love and Heal Yourself in Seven Sessions (Not Seven Years) (2002), The Truth Shall Set Everything Ablaze (1995), Conscious Love: The Ultimate Energy (1976).

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Personal Statement:

"When Pandora's Box is finally fully opened on the deceptions and abuses of power by the Cheney/Bush administration ~ the 9/11 cover-up will stand alone as the most treasonous act in American history." http://www.allenroland.com

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

Website: http://www.allenroland.com

Lawrence Kent

Lawrence Kent, MA, PhD

Lawrence Kent, MA, PhD – Retired Licensed Social Worker, State of Ohio. Former Counselor and Mental Health Director (Ohio), Social Services Director (California and Ohio), Education Director (Ohio), University Teaching Fellow, Miami University (Ohio), Political Candidate (California), County Officer (Ohio), Bank Officer (Arizona and California), and Writer. Membership affiliations, lifetime total: 480 organizations. Freemason. Founder and Past President, Presidential Families of America. Veteran Regular U.S. Army, enlisted May 16, 1956. Honorable Discharge September 30, 1962. 467 days with United Nations Forces, Korea, November 11, 1956 to February 20, 1958, including two bitterly cold Korean winters. Member, VFW, AMVETS, American Legion, Korean War Veterans Association.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Justice demands the formation of a new 9/11 International Tribunal with its investigative members from multiple nations who are completely immune to corporate/political influence and coercion. Every question raised by the 9/11 Truth Movement must be thoroughly reviewed and answered in great detail, wherever complicity might lodge. All findings shall form a presentment to the International Court of Justice, The Hague. The very concept of "America" must be restored by countering all of the false messages of the cowardly and treasonous "summer patriots." I call on all fellow "Winter Soldiers" to save this beloved nation by demanding the full revelation of all facts relevant to the 9/11 murders."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Robert Flaherty

Robert Flaherty, BS, CLSp(CG,MB)

Robert Flaherty, BS, CLSp(CG,MB) – NCA Certified Clinical Laboratory Specialist in Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I attended the last 911truth.org conference in Boston and have watched numerous films regarding 9/11. I have read David Ray Griffin's last two books. I would be thrilled to do anything to help uncover the crime of the century."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Daniel Abshear

Daniel Abshear, BA

Daniel Abshear, BA – Former Physician Assistant. Former Hospital Corpsman, U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Currently regulatory compliance consultant.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"There is evidence that suggests the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people were either planned by or with full foreknowledge were allowed to happen by those in control of the U.S. government and military.

Furthermore, there is evidence that the collapse of the WTC buildings was the result of controlled detonations; not the result of airliner impacts. Some film coverage shows evidence of detonations being activated.

These 3,000 deaths happened so that those in control of the U.S. government could use it as the catalyst for two wars -- wars that continue to be as pointless today as that brutal event in the U.S. in 2001.

Our country, and those who run it, have done a masterful job of instilling fear in the citizens of America so that they will not question the many obvious falsehoods in the official account of 9/11.

An unbiased re-investigation of 9/11 is essential to uncover the true facts of those terrible events."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Harold Saive

Harold Saive

Harold Saive, BS Cardiovascular Technology – Retired Cardiovascular Technologist / Hospital Administrator with specialty in assisting clinical trials of cardiovascular interventional devices. FAA Licensed Private Pilot. Amateur Radio operator, (a.r.s., N4KWB). Military veteran and proud member of Veterans For Peace.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"The AE 9/11 effort has added significant credibility to the already compelling evidence for concerned Americans to demand and be granted a complete criminal investigation into the events of 9/11/2001." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Member: Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers."

Gregory Strausbaugh

Gregory Strausbaugh, AAS, RRT

Gregory Strausbaugh, AAS, RRT – Registered Respiratory Therapist. 20 years experience. Author of Earth's Secret Corridor (2007).

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Laurie Parkinson

Laurie Parkinson, RN

Laurie Parkinson, RN – Registered Nurse, State of Michigan. Medical-Surgical/Pediatric Nurse

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

" I'm very glad to see a group of my peers demanding answers to what really happened on 9/11!
I completely agree with your beliefs as listed on your website, and I won't rest until the truth is told."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Philip Brown

Philip Brown, MA, LAc

Philip Brown, MA Acupuncture, LAc – Licensed Acupuncturist, State of New York.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"After being involved in this topic for the last 5+ years, I have pretty much heard it all from naysayers. One common remark is "How can you know anything since you are not an expert ?" I then say ,"If you are called for jury duty are you going to say, 'Can't do it , I am not an expert.'?

We are the jury folks! We look at BOTH sides and use our reasoning/rational sense to draw conclusions. The simple fact that any questioning is met with immediate dismissal should raise a sky high red flag for all citizens of this planet. Please check out Richard Gage's site AE911Truth.org."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Mark Cox

Mark Cox, RN

Claire Cox

Claire Cox, COMT, COE (retired)

Mark A. Cox, RN – Registered Nurse, State of Idaho.

Claire L. Cox, COMT, COE (retired) – JCAHPO Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist and AAO Certified Ophthalmic Executive (retired).

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"There is an illness casting a pall over the entire world, and it emanates from the 9/11 tragedy and the obvious lies surrounding the event. People cannot make sense of a world that is based on lies, the only true healing for humanity begins with truth."

Members: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Jack Heginbotham

Jack W. Heginbotham, BS, ADN, RN

Jack W. Heginbotham, BS, ADN, RN – Registered Nurse, Level 1 trauma center. 20 year career.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I found out about 9/11 early in 2005 after watching 9/11: In Plane Site. Since then, I have tried One on One truthing, as well as participating as a 9/11 group member & meetup organizer. I recently sponsored Richard Gage, AIA, to speak at the University of Cincinnati.

Unfortunately, over the last 4 years, I have observed that 9/11 individuals and groups only last so long then most burn out with frustration, me included. I sincerely believe, in this "Time of Change", it is now or never if the Truth Movement is ever to succeed. We need to unite and begin organizing our educational efforts and resources on a national level now that our grassroots efforts have done what they were supposed to.

I think this new medical profession organization has an opportunity to help open eyes on a grand scale if we co-ordinate our efforts with other professional groups already established. If only 2500 Architects, Engineers, Professors, Lawyers, Pilots, retired/active Military, Firefighters & Medical Professionals donated $100/each, we could buy a full spread in USA Today to present our FIRST combined petition including our 2500 names and professions."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I wish some professional physics people would start talking more about the nature of potential energy (gravity) and explain that most kinetic energy calculations are based on the transfer of energy between solids. I am not a physics major but my gut tells me that there is not enough potential energy in a 100+ story building to pulverize that much concrete and eject steel beams laterally, even if the entire building were airlifted 1 mile up and dropped. True kinetic calculations would also be a nightmare and I am amazed at how simple both "truthers" and "liars" make them sound." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Michael Cavlan

Michael Cavlan, ADN, RN

Michael Cavlan, ADN, RN – Licensed Registered Nurse, State of Minnesota. Specialty Burn and Trauma Intensive Care. Member, National Disaster Medical Systems Burn Specialty #4 (NDMS BST#4). Treated victims of the Pentagon attack in the weeks after September 11. Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in Minnesota 2006, 2008. Official Green Party Observer in 2004 Ohio Re-Count. Street Medic during the RNC in St Paul 2008.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Personally I am absolutely convinced that elements of our own government were involved in the September 11 attack.

The who and why will only be answered by a full, independent investigation into the attacks.

I point to the pro-war, corporate corrupted two party system, the corporate media and left wing gatekeepers as all being the biggest obstacles that we face in getting said investigation.

I spent my formative years in a poor Catholic Housing project near Belfast, in northern Ireland.

Using that experience, I point out the May 17, 1974 Dublin-Monaghan bombings, which killed 33 innocent people in Ireland, as being a classic False Flag operation, pulled off by the British Military Intelligence with the full authority of the British Political Establishment."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Frank Barthold

Frank Barthold, BA, MS OT, OTR/L

Frank Barthold, BA, MS Occupational Therapy, OTR/L – Licensed and Registered Occupational Therapist, State of North Carolina. Former U.S. Army Reserve intelligence analyst and combat stress control officer.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Unanswered questions relating to the mechanism of failure for all 3 WTC buildings, suspicious contradictions in testimony during the investigation, conflicts of interest with the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, and the removal of evidence from the crime scenes must be addressed. The earmarks of false flag catastrophe are evident with this event.

Our nation was traumatized and MOLESTED by the images of 9-11, leaving us vulnerable for manipulation from industrial influences beyond the understanding of the common public. These influences must be exposed as who they are or continuous manipulation and exploitation is likely.

As a federal employee, former U.S. AR intelligence analyst and combat stress control officer, I have a lifelong obligation and swore an oath to protect the republic from enemies "foreign and domestic." I do take that oath seriously. My suspicion is that our enemies may be of the domestic variety with this event and they must be exposed. Please continue the demand for a real investigation with great vigor!"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Patrick Smith

Patrick J. Smith, PhD

Patrick J. Smith, PhD – Medical Psychologist and Researcher, Duke University Medical Center. Also MPH Biostatistics candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializing in behavioral interventions to prevent neurocognitive decline and dementia, such as aerobic exercise and dietary modification, as well as examining the relationship between subclinical vascular health as it influences disorders associated with prefrontal and subcortical brain regions, including major depressive disorder, Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and vascular dementia. Co-author of more than a dozen medical journal articles.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Current controversy surrounding the events and investigation of 9/11 are primarily psychological in nature and represent the strongest, and most important, example of cognitive dissonance in our nation's political history. Systematic examination of publicly available data from the events of 9/11 consistently demonstrates that multiple sources of evidence (e.g. personal testimony, chemical evidence from physical debris, video evidence, etc.) were either selectively minimized or, in some cases, ignored entirely. Accordingly, multiple lines of inquiry were never followed, despite an overwhelming amount of evidence that strongly indicates foreknowledge of the attacks, foreknowledge of all three building collapses (despite the lack of any existing precedent and conflicting structural knowledge of all buildings, therefore providing no theoretical basis for this prediction), and a pattern of physical collapse that is not only entirely inconsistent with asymmetrical structural damage and fire sequelae (with or without jet fuel), but are entirely consistent with a controlled demolition hypothesis (e.g. chemical evidence of incendiaries, approximate free-fall speed, lateral ejections of steel, discovery of bone fragments on adjacent rooftops, etc.).

Regardless of the outcome, the American public deserves an independent inquiry into the events that have directly or indirectly resulted in our initiation of two wars (and covert operations in several more), the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians (see Tapp et al, 2008: Iraq War mortality estimates: A systematic review. Conflict & Health for a discussion of this issue), and financial catastrophe for this and future generations. All this despite the fact that the existing evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks is questionable and not of sufficient rigor for prosecution in a legal setting according to our own justice department, that nearly 1/3 of the 'hijackers' are still alive in their respective countries of origin, and that military planning and executive strategizing for our invasion of Afghanistan had begun months before these events ever occurred. The facts are not only readily available but overwhelming if we allow ourselves to take a measured and honest look at them."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I am deeply concerned with many aspects of the tower seven analysis including the methodologies with which data was collected, the ways in which data were analyzed, and the seemingly inconsistent conclusions that are subsequently drawn." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,030 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Brenda Jorge

Brenda Jorge, AAS, RN

Brenda Jorge, AAS Nursing, RN – Registered Nurse, State of New Hampshire.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"This is not the world I thought I was bringing children into. I refuse to leave this mess for them to clean up!"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Tania Kovaluk

Tania Kovaluk, DDS

Tania Kovaluk, DDS – Dentist

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have read and listened extensively to this issue and recommend one does their due diligence. Read and listen to other professional and scholars on the subject and I know you will see very clearly this was not done by a few men in caves. It is clear that the AE911Truth.org group has done their homework and the volunteers are devoting time to get the message out to the masses."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Charlene Richards

Charlene Avis Richards, RN

Charlene Avis Richards, RN – Registered Nurse, States of Ohio, Florida, California and New York. Primary specialty in cosmetic surgery after-care.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been a member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth for about two years and I have been doing intensive research on the subject since the day 9/11 happened. I never believed the 'official" story'."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"My primary concern at this time is the recent legislation authored by Rep. Jane Harman in the House of Representatives, "The Homegrown Terrorism" bill. It already overwhelmingly passed in the House by over 400 votes and will probably pass in the Senate the last week of November, 2007. It will be signed by Bush.

During the Sub-Committee hearing last Tuesday representatives from The Rand Corporation and the Simon Wiesenthal Center suggested that the 9/11 Truth Movement is a terrorist organization because "they have created a parallel truth to the official story" that is a threat to our national security. They accused the 9/11 Truth movement of "doctoring videos" etc.

It is absurd to equate architects, engineers, physicists, fireman, first responders etc. to "terrorists" because we are trying to find the truth regarding the events of 9/11." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,030 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Jerome Sobieraj

Jerome Sobieraj, MD

Jerome Sobieraj, MD – Assistant Professor of Medicine, Boston University. Team Lead, Clinical Data Warehouse, Boston Medical Center. Specialty in Internal Medicine.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I believe it is important to use scientific evidence to support sound medical practice. Likewise, scientific evidence that contradicts the official 9/11 story should be available to the public at large to make sound public policy decisions. Some of the important scientific evidence to date includes:

1) The near free fall collapse of the twin towers and WTC building 7.
2) Evidence of military grade thermite in multiple dust samples.
3) Lack of twisted metal at ground zero if the collapse was indeed due to a series of pancakes collapsing one on top of the other (all the steel beams had clean cuts)
4) Pools of molten iron at the base of all three buildings post collapse that generated enormous amounts of heat for months after 9/11.

It took 12 years after the JFK assassination for a Special House Committee on Assassinations to be created to reassess the evidence. If we continue to work to get the truth of 9/11 out there, we may be able to overcome the hostility of the mainstream media, who portray us as gun toting lunatics. (I own neither a gun nor am I a lunatic.)"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Ralph Cinque

Ralph Cinque, DC

Ralph Cinque, DC – Licensed Chiropractor, State of Texas

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been involved in 9/11 Truth since 2002. I believe there is incontrovertible evidence that the towers fell from controlled demolitions. I also believe there is strong evidence that a something other than a commercial airliner struck the Pentagon, and that the plane over Pennsylvania was blown up. There is no social/political issue more important than spreading 9/11 Truth, and there is no hope for saving the country and winning back our freedoms without 9/11 Truth."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Brian Schwartz

Brian A. Schwartz, PhD

Brian A. Schwartz, PhD – Former Staff Psychologist and Lecturer at Queens College of the City University of New York (eight years). Founder, Career Planning Center at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies 1976 - 1981. Founder and Chief Content Officer, CareerDNA, specializing in organization development and career management 1981 - present. Member of the American Psychological Association, the National Career Development Association, and the International Association of Vocational and Educational Guidance. Also a member of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists as well as APA Division 39, Psychoanalysis. Licensed Psychologist, State of Connecticut.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"As aware as I have been my entire adult life, of world and political issues, I have come lately to delve into this issue. The material that Mr. [Richard] Gage and the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have amassed is more than convincing that the 9/11 Commission has perpetrated a fraud on the American public, one that has been used to justify the kinds of assaults on other nations as well as on the rights of our own citizens in the so-called War on Terror. This has been more a war on our own citizens as well as those in distant lands and, as expected, a war on the truth. To see the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of so many on this planet destroyed in the name of a series of events whose true cause is in such serious question makes me fear for the planet and its future. The truth must be discovered and the true criminals brought to justice."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

John McGuire

John F. McGuire, MD, MBA

John F. McGuire, MD, MBA – Head and Neck Surgeon. Author of numerous scientific articles and textbook chapters in the field of Otolaryngology

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Up until a week ago, I rolled my eyes at those claiming a "9/11 Conspiracy". I happened across a video that was discussing the collapse of WTC Building 7. The very simple arguments made, those in the language and methods of science, were staggering. I was up for almost two days straight, trying to find out more, trying to "disprove" what I was seeing, but I could not. Murder, in plain sight... And the arrogance of those responsible, believing that we would be too ignorant or complacent to do something about it. I am going to dedicate my free time to exposing those responsible... Justice is a form of love."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

John Leissring

John C. Leissring, MS, MD

John C. Leissring, MS, MD – Retired Physician. Specialties: Anatomic Pathology, Dermatology, Dermatopathology. Diplomate: College of American Pathologists, American Society of Clinical Pathologists. Over 30 years experience as a Laboratory Director in several laboratories. Former Instructor at Stanford University and University of California at San Francisco. Past President of the Sonoma County Medical Association. Founder of the Sonoma County Medical Society. Former U.S. Navy medical officer. Author of several scientific publications.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Almost all aspects of the official explanation for the events of September 11, 2001 fail tests of logical inquiry. In signing this petition, it is my hope that a variety of interested individuals and academicians become stimulated to undertake a peer-reviewed study of the entire matter. There exists today sufficient published material which can be tested for veracity. A step by step study--a matrix analysis of probabilities--will likely generate a plausible explanation. If, as I suspect, a conclusion is reached that implicates governmental entities and individuals, I would hope that there still exists in this country the will to bring the perpetrators to justice using our legal system, such that it is."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

" 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!' The event (collapse of all three structures) has all of the essential earmarks of a designed demolition. The 'official' story is neither logical nor does it comply with basic knowledge about why building do and do not fall down. The physics is wrong (in the official explanation). e.g. The melting of steel, the lack of explanation for the apparent reports of multiple explosions, the initial events at street level (i.e. exothermic explosions, etc). How can it be that the planes (which seem to have nothing to do with the collapse) were not intercepted when their routes were known well in advance of the (alleged, in the case of Pennsylvania and Pentagon) collisions? These questions can go on from here." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Charles Weston

Dr. Charles H. Weston, DC

Dr. Charles H. Weston, DC – Licensed Chiropractor, States of Florida and South Carolina. In practice for 23 years.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been a student of the truth for the events of 9/11 since watching the videos of WTC 7 collapse and knew within 2 minutes that we had been deceived. I have been becoming more vocal with each passing year and at the risk of alienating my patients I educate them daily on the events of that day and understanding the GeoPolitical consequences thereof."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Kevin Michaud

Kevin Michaud, BS, DC

Kevin Michaud, BS, DC – Licensed Chiropractor, State of Connecticut

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been very passionate about 9/11 truth since 2002 and would like to join your group. I am a Chiropractic Physician who graduated from the University of Bridgeport in May 2008. I have been practicing part-time in Connecticut for 2 years. I also have a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Connecticut. UCONN provided me a great education in physics which is why I believe the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building #7 were taken town with explosives. We truly need to investigate this further beginning right now!"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Mark Alan Sauer, MD,
ABD Pharmacology
No photo available

Mark Alan Sauer, MD, ABD Pharmacology – Board Certified Practicing Anesthesiologist

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"We want real answers.

We want to know why the US Air Defense System could not even give a WARNING of impact to April Gallop and her infant son as she was typing in her office at the Pentagon. We want Dick Cheney to be questioned under oath regarding his role that morning as revealed by Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta's testimony before the 9/11 Commission about the aircraft approaching the Pentagon. Furthermore, how did the US Air Defense System ever allow the South Tower to be impacted by a hijacked aircraft, when the North Tower in practically the same location had been impacted a full 17 minutes earlier?

We want to know why George W. Bush was allowed to stay 40 minutes in a public school at the onset of the emergency instead of being moved immediately, as he should have been according to the standard Secret Service protocols.

We want to know how 3 steel-concrete skyscrapers disintegrated from the impact of 2 planes on the same day, when such buildings have never been caused to collapse in such a fashion in all history except by controlled demolition. How was there molten metal seen in videos pouring from the South Tower just prior to collapse, when jet fuel fires cannot melt steel? Why did the NIST not even address Appendix 3 of the FEMA BPAT report i.e, how did steel beams in the twin towers and Building 7 become remolded and sulfidated, having a thin, even moth-eaten appearance? Why has there not been follow-up government studies of the iron-rich microspheres found by the US Geological Survey and others in the dust of the WTC destructions?

If flight 93 was not shot down, how did papers from the flight fall to earth at a lake several miles from the crash site? How did a large part of a steel titanium engine come to earth almost a thousand feet from the rest of the small crash crater?

Why did the White House NSC with the agreement of Ms. Todd Whitman, EPA Director, change the initial EPA findings and reports on ground zero air quality, relaxing safety standards and allowing thousands of first responders to unnecessarily breathe hazardous alkaline dust, resulting in the permanent pulmonary injury, incapacitation, and often enough, - death?

Since the anthrax used to terrorize Congress as they passed the Unconstitutional USA Patriot Act originated at Fort Detrick, MD, why have there not been timely, public investigations and prosecutions of the perpetrators?

Why was the patriotic Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth site on the internet inferred to be among terrorist sites, during a presentation before a Congressional Homeland Security Subcommittee in 2007 by Mark Weitzman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center? Why are such treasonous lies so easily tolerated and encouraged among our Congresspersons?

We also want to know why 9/11 truth is such a pariah in mainstream media punditry, when at this point the cumulative evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is quite overwhelming to most people interested in looking at the actual facts and unanswered questions about 9/11.

No one even in government believes that a lone man caused 9/11. Therefore, even the Federal Government's irrational fairy tale as outlined in THE 9/11 COMISSION REPORT is a 'conspiracy theory'. Why is the outmoded paradigm of 'conspiracy theorist' still being used as a standard epithet by mainstream media pundits, when this term only makes rational sense as an epithet for someone rejecting the Warren Commission's finding that a lone gunman killed JFK?"

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

James Howard Johnson, MD
No photo available

James Howard Johnson, MD – Physician

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The truth has not been told about 9/11. Much of the last 8 years has been covert.

Transparency is needed. Facts are needed. Truth is needed. And this could be easily done if there were a willingness.

We are not conspiracists. The real conspiracy is the coverup.

The world deserves the truth. May it be so."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I have been a MD for 37 years. My desire has always been to get to the origins or the roots of a problem. This approach has led me down many varied roads, often looking beyond the usual or the conventional. In so doing, my beliefs have grown, evolved, and expanded and this allows me to have a wider perspective both with diagnosis and treatment.

In addition I love to work with wood and have built several structures as a lay person, and have some of the requisite skills in design and implementation.

Once I got past feeling and began to look with discernment at the symptoms and events around 9/11, it became undeniably clear that the official story was at best partially true. There are scores and scores of small evidences that we are not getting the full truth about 9/11.

All one has to do is be willing to look and the proof of controlled and well orchestrated events and statements just become impressively undeniable." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Mark Alan Howard, DO
No photo available

Mark Alan Howard, DO – Emergency Physician

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"The videos of the first seconds of "collapse" of the twin towers strongly suggests massive explosions. Steel and huge dust clouds are ejected outwardly in all directions at high speeds. This does not appear at all compatible with collapse caused by gravity acting on a weakened frame.

And finally, the crumpling of Building 7, like a house of cards is absolutely unexplainable without controlled demolition." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Paul E. McArthur, MD
No photo available

Paul E. McArthur, MD – Adjunct Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Western Ontario. Family practice physician.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I was led to 9/11 truth via one of the very few mainstream articles published in the Miami Herald which I read on commondreams.org in February of 2006. I followed the links to Professor [Steven] Jones' work and the evidence for controlled demolition of the towers and WTC7 seemed intuitively obvious once you allowed yourself to question the cause of the collapses." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Signatory of Petition to Release Information Pertaining to 9/11 10/5/06:

"We, the undersigned, demand the immediate declassification and release of:
all transcripts and documents relating to the July 10, 2001 meeting that took place between former CIA Director George Tenet and then National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. It has been alleged that this urgent and out-of-the-ordinary meeting was called to discuss the increasingly dire warnings of an imminent al Qaeda attack within the U.S. ...
the redacted 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry Into The Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 (JICI), and
the CIA Inspector General’s report, CIA Accountability With Respect To The 9/11 Attacks

The disastrous nature of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks warrant the release of all of this information so that the American public may learn what its government did or did not do to protect them. Had this nation been properly warned of the looming and imminent terrorist threat, life saving choices could have been made that day." http://www.petitiononline.com/july10

Ronald C. Wallie, BA, OD
No photo available

Ronald C. Wallie, BA Math, OD – Doctor of Optometry

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The tragedy of 9/11 is compounded by the tragedy of misinformation, mostly provided by our own government, surrounding all the events of that day. It is important that we have, not only a new and honest investigation, but one begun soon before witnesses and evidence are lost to time."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I am an optometrist, so I have had an education in the sciences, including chemistry and physics. So, although I am not an architect or engineer, I could understand much of the case being made for the controlled demolition of The World Trade Center.

The laws of physics do not seem to support the belief that fires brought down these steel structures. Seeing the planes hit the buildings makes most of us conclude that they are the reason for the collapses. But, when one sees the symmetrical explosions and symmetrical collapses in replays of all three buildings, many people will conclude that the planes could not be the cause of this destruction." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Ralph H. Speken, MD
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Ralph H. Speken, MD – Psychiatrist. Clinical Instructor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Former Assistant Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Testimonial for Crockett Grabbe, PhD:

"Dr. Crockett Grabbe is a preeminent member in the top science & engineering ranks who couples his skills with the strong ability to communicate these issues in ways that non-scientists can quickly understand. As a psychiatrist in New York City honored by Mayor Blumberg for my work in counseling victims and families in the days and weeks following the tragedy, these experiences of 9/11 are seared into my memory. Initially becoming aware of Dr. Grabbe through internet articles & videos on 9/11 issues, I then heard him at the 9/11 Conference in New York City in 2007. Of all the presentations during this 2-day conference, his lecture was clearly the most significant. Many in the audience stated Dr. Grabbe had clarified the fundamental issues in ways that others had not. Detailing in a most interesting manner the essential facts and evidence, he showed clearly how the government NIST reports are not credible, but make claims that defy several fundamental principles of physics." http://www.sealane.org/speak/index1.html

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

Regarding the collapses at the WTC: "The speed and symmetry of the collapse seems improbable. There are numerous other issues that need more study." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Andrew M. Sopchak, MD
No photo available

Andrew M. Sopchak, MD – Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Upstate Medical University, State University of New York.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The fact that the laws of conservation of energy and momentum are inconsistent with the official story alone demands that an apolitical, thorough and scientific forensic investigation be performed, no matter where it leads."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Steven W. Palmieri, D.O., Ph.D., FABFM
No photo available

Steven W. Palmieri, D.O., Ph.D., FABFM – Family Practice Physician/Hospitalist. Fellow, American Board of Family Medicine.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have many questions that remain unanswered regarding 9/11. There have been no changes in our foreign policy except undeclared wars of aggression, a decrease in our freedom, an increase in the military-industrial complex, and many died on both sides. Per the FBI most wanted list, there is insufficient evidence to say Osama bin Laden is wanted for 9/11. It is time for a true investigation of this terrible crime against humanity."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Ernst Rodin, MS, MD
No photo available

Ernst Rodin, MS, Neurology, MD – Neurologist, specializing in epilepsy, retired from clinical practice. Currently Adjunct Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Utah. Past President, American Clinical Neurophysiology Society. Past President; Eastern EEG Society. Honorary member of Great Distinction, Western Clinical Neurophysiology Society. Senior Member, American Epilepsy Society. Senior Member, American Academy of Neurology. Recipient of the S. Weir Mitchell Award, American Academy of Neurology. Positions formerly held: Chief of Neurology and Electroencephalography, Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, Michigan. Medical Director, Epilepsy Center of Michigan. Director of Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory, Harper Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. Prior academic appointments include Assistant Professor, University of Michigan Ann Arbor and Professor, Wayne State University. Author of over 120 peer reviewed scientific articles on clinical neurophysiology and epilepsy (most of them viewable on PubMed under Rodin E). Author of twenty invited chapters in monographs on epilepsy or clinical neurophysiology. Author of The Prognosis of Patients with Epilepsy (1968), Co-author with Rolf Degan of Epilepsy, Sleep and Sleep Deprivation (1991).

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The officially stated version of the causes of the 9/11 catastrophe is not credible, as has been documented in several books and articles by well informed persons. The events of 9/11 were a massive unprecedented crime and need to be regarded as such. It is unrealistic to expect that Congress or the mainstream media will take action unless forced to by an educated public. Whistleblowers, with inside information as to what happened on that day, are likewise not likely to come forward because they are in danger of losing their livelihood if not worse.

For this reason I would suggest that as a first step a two-day International Conference be organized in either NYC or Washington DC to which experts who have published their opinion in regard to various aspects of this catastrophic event are invited, so that their views can be aired and debated in public before a large audience. As sponsors one might consider, for instance, Warren Buffett, the Bill and Melinda Gates or the Templeton Foundation, if they were to be agreeable. This would take it out of the political context and place it in the public arena where it belongs. Invited speakers should only have their expenses reimbursed rather than receiving honoraria. This will remove financial gain from a human tragedy.

A conference of this type could not be ignored by the media and would finally take the 9/11 Truth movement from the fringes of society to the center. Inasmuch as we are, as has been mentioned, dealing with a crime of unprecedented proportion an International Judicial Inquiry with subpoena power as suggested by the organizers of this petition might become possible thereafter. This is urgent because the Obama administration has by now shown its unwillingness, or inability, to pursue a search for the truth of the events surrounding 9/11 and will thereby continue not only the ongoing wars, which are based on false assumptions, but may be lured into additional ones."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Elizabeth Anne Sutherland, MD
No photo available

Elizabeth Anne Sutherland, MD – Urgent Care and Anesthesiology

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"We need to keep hammering at the press and the Obama Administration that the Bush Administration's version is a conspiracy theory that ignores or distorts the facts of that day. All Americans, especially the friends and families of the victims, deserve to know the truth. We may never know who perpetrated this disaster, but the official fairytale must be exposed and dispelled."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

George H. Sutherland, MD
No photo available

George H. Sutherland, MD – Retired Orthopedic Surgeon, specializing in Spinal Surgery

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The truth about the 9/11 attack is available for anyone who is willing to view a couple of DVDs or read one of the many books on the subject. Excellent book-length summaries of the issues by David Ray Griffin are available at Amazon; of these, I recommend Debunking 9/11 Debunking as an introduction.

The appalling account provided to the public, and the incredible omissions in news reporting after the day of the attack, have created an environment in which government policy and public attitudes are based upon a fairy tale, an impossible scenario which even a small effort at finding the truth will belie."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Vern (Bud) Goltry, MD
No photo available

Vern (Bud) Goltry, MD – Board certified Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgeon. Former Chief of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Irwin Army Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas. Past President, former member National Board of Directors, and life member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). In practice for more than 40 years.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Many false flag events have flashed through my mind from the very moment of the 9/11 disaster. History records many instances of governments deceiving and harming its citizens. I believe that the government of the United States is capable of such activities. I desire an honest, thorough, and penetrating independent investigation of the 9/11 disaster with experts from around the world participating in the investigation, reducing political distortions to a minimum."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Toby Gardner, MBBS, FRACGP
No photo available

Toby Gardner, BA (Psych), MBBS, FRACGP – General Practitioner. Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Since I was forwarded a short film of the discrepancies surrounding the Pentagon attack in 2004, I have followed with interest the unraveling of the "official account" of the 9/11 attacks. In early 2006, on a Fox free-to-air TV channel in Australia the excellent documentary 911: In Plane Site was aired late at night, somehow escaping the censors. Since then I have actively disseminated information regarding the lack of scientific plausibility surrounding the events of 9/11, including attaching bumper stickers to my car and hanging a number of dissenting posters in my professional rooms. The response from the general public and professionals has generally been positive, though of course there remains a large proportion of individuals who continue to rely on mainstream televised news and broadsheets to understand the world, with the greater truth seemingly too unpalatable and perturbing to even entertain."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Arnold Hoffenberg, MBBCh,
No photo available

Arnold Hoffenberg, MBBCh, DA, FFA – Anaethesiologist. Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the College of Physicians, Surgeons and Gynaecologists of South Africa.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I watched 9/11 live on tv. It is patently obvious that the three buildings of WTC collapsed due to a demolition and not due to the two aeroplanes colliding with Buildings 1 and 2. One has only to compare this with the demolition of other building to see the similarities. As far as I know, in some states in the USA citizens can call a grand jury, the requirement being a certain number of signatures at that jurisdiction to call a grand jury. This would preempt any hindrance of an investigation by the state. People of interest could be brought before the grand jury and interviewed."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Larry Snyder, MD
No photo available

Larry Snyder, MD – Retired Anesthesiologist

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I believe that the 9/11 tragedy was poorly investigated. There are many suspicious pieces of evidence which raise many questions. I would not be surprised if it had been engineered by the worst president in our history as an excuse to take down the man who threatened his father."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Searle Sennett, BSc,
No photo available

Searle Sennett, BSc, MBChB, FFARCS – Retired Specialist, Anesthesiologist. Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons. Former Head of Department, Coronation Teaching Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I fully support the attempt to open a proper investigation into 9/11. The real perpetrators have to be brought to justice -- even if they are found to be within the U.S. government itself."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Eulogio Besada, OD, FAAO
No photo available

Eulogio Besada, OD, FAAO, MS – Doctor of Optometry. Former Clinic Chief at Southeastern University (today Nova Southeastern) and currently Associate Professor at Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry. Fellow of the American Association of Optometry. Member of American Optometric Association, Florida Optometric Association, and Optometric Retinal Society. Author of numerous journal articles on optometry and clinical eye care.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The official account and explanation of the tragic 9/11 events is not consistent with a rational evaluation of available facts, does not stand up to scientific scrutiny, and, in regards to the destruction of the WTC buildings, defies the flawless constrictions imposed by the laws of physics. Any individual that in his or her own internal sense of truth looks at the evolution of the events leading to and following 9/11 can only either deny these inconsistencies, and in so doing act in defeat of the self and rationality, or by recognizing them walk in the lonesome, painfully miserable companion of the truth. An independent investigations is imperatively needed and I add my voice in support of its implementation."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"After analyzing the evidence and character of events surrounding the tragedy of 9/11, I've come to the conclusion that the official story contains significant discrepancies and intrinsic physical improbabilities for it to be considered valid. I also regard the 9/11 Commission committee as not truly having addressed the questions surrounding the 9/11 events and did not carry an authentic independent investigation of the devastation involving 9/11. I encourage our elected representatives to demand that a genuine independent investigation of the 9/11 events be immediately re-assigned." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Maxime Lamirande, MD
No photo available

Maxime Lamirande, MD – Urgentist; emergency medicine specialist

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have read a lot about the subject and I'm very comfortable with the position of signing the petition for a neutral investigation about 9/11. I know some denier of the numerous omissions of the 9/11 Commission will always find a way to explain how this event could have happened like it was told, but we need to look more at the probability of that happening instead of only the possibility. In that regard, the probability that an event of such sophistication happened, without any help from the inside, is almost nonexistent. The probability that 3 buildings will fall perfectly into their footprints at almost freefall speed without any engineering is simply ridiculous in my mind. The official story is definitely the diagnosis of exclusion and since a lot of questions haven't been answered and the consequences of the event have been so dramatic, we need a neutral investigation for the good of humanity."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

Michael G. Dempsey, DO, FAAPMR, FAOCPMR
No photo available

Michael G. Dempsey, DO, FAAPMR, FAOCPMR – Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon. Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Fellow of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Fellow of the American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I was seeing patients on that gloriously sunny Tuesday morning when my wife called the office with the terrible news.

Incredulous at first, she convinced me to "go look". My office is a half a block East of Fifth Avenue in Greenwich Village and the walk took less than a minute. It was hard to turn away from the ghastly sight in plain view down Fifth but the "doctor instinct" kicked in. With lower Manhattan clearing out and, by this time, no office patients I went over the few blocks to my hospital , St. Vincent's. The hospital was in full disaster mode and, being the major trauma center closest to the WTC, was filling quickly with medical staff and patients. The next three days I spent at St. Vincent's doing the best one could do under the circumstances.

I live on Fifth and 14th and the smell of the "pile" and the weird dust constantly covering everything in the apartment served as daily reminders of the horror for months following.

My incredulousness remains, not of the event, but of the "official" explanation."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Lora Chamberlain, DO
No photo available

Lora Chamberlain, DO – Osteopathic Family Physician, State of Illinois

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"Come On! Any intelligent human being can see that the WTC buildings, especially Building 7, were brought down by controlled demolition. I don't even need an investigation to prove that for myself. So the official story of 9/11 is in fact a lie. Now all we need is the independent investigation of 9/11 to jump start the criminal proceedings and investigations that we should have had immediately after 9/11 but did not!" http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Dr. Noel Reyes Guzman
No photo available

Dr. Noel Reyes Guzman – Radiologist

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

John Drake Lufkin, MD
No photo available

John Drake Lufkin, MD – Entering residency in Family Medicine 2009

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"To quote Ghandi, 'Even in a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.' The only thing that has held the American public from revolution in the aftermath of 9/11 and the subsequent loss of freedoms we have suffered in the name of 'security' is the corporate media's censorship of the 9/11 Truth Movement and complete lack of investigation into the real cause of the buildings' collapse. With so few even fortunate enough to hear the message, it becomes all the more critical that our voice be united in order to reach more."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

D. Glenn Dormer, BA, BSc, MSW, MD
No photo available

D. Glenn Dormer, BA, BSc, MSW, MD – Psychiatry resident. 911Truth.org grassroots contact in Sweden.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

John Sotelo, MD, BS ME
No photo available

John Sotelo, MD, BS ME (Mechanical Engineering) – Physician. Board Certified in Internal Medicine.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I am an engineer as well as a physician. The WTC buildings were demolished based on physics. The official 9/11 story is suspicious for so many reasons I feel confident it is untrue."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Dr. med. Werner Thurner
No photo available

Dr. med. Werner Thurner – Physician specializing in General Medicine (Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin) and Natural Medicine (Naturheilverfahren).

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

William H. Warrick III, MD
No photo available

William H. Warrick III, MD – Family Practice Physician. Member, American Academy of Family Practice. Veteran, U.S. Army Security Agency.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I know 911 was an inside job. My cousin was murdered in the Pentagon and I want the perpetraitors convicted."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory of Petition to Release Information Pertaining to 9/11 10/5/06:

"We, the undersigned, demand the immediate declassification and release of:
all transcripts and documents relating to the July 10, 2001 meeting that took place between former CIA Director George Tenet and then National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. It has been alleged that this urgent and out-of-the-ordinary meeting was called to discuss the increasingly dire warnings of an imminent al Qaeda attack within the U.S. ...
the redacted 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry Into The Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 (JICI), and
the CIA Inspector General’s report, CIA Accountability With Respect To The 9/11 Attacks

The disastrous nature of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks warrant the release of all of this information so that the American public may learn what its government did or did not do to protect them. Had this nation been properly warned of the looming and imminent terrorist threat, life saving choices could have been made that day." http://www.petitiononline.com/july10

Samuel M. Brubaker, MD
No photo available

Samuel M. Brubaker, MD – Diplomate of the American Board of Surgery, recertified 2009. General Surgery practice since completing residency training in 1973, semiretired since 2002.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have become convinced that the observable phenomena of the 9/11 catastrophe lead to the conclusion that the commonly accepted explanation is inadequate and untenable. The "pancake theory" of the collapse of the twin towers cannot explain the free-fall speed of their collapse. The "molten steel" concept cannot explain failure of the steel structure 50 stories (ie. 1/10 mile) BELOW the level of the fire. Jet fuel - Kerosene - burns at less than 900 degrees F, but steel melts at temperatures over 2000 degrees F. The orderly implosion of WTC tower # 7 late in the afternoon of 9/11 is unexplained. In addition to these simple factors, observed or easily understood by everyone, there are numerous more intricate details which add to the conclusion that the truth has not come to light.

The small size of the hole in the Pentagon wall; the small crater at the crash site at Shanksville; the failure of the air defense system to intercept the aircraft that struck the Pentagon; the non-retrieval of human remains from air crash sites - each of these is inadequately explained by the official report.

The honor of the many dead; the plight of the many persons suffering permanent injury or exposure to serious toxins; the fact that a decade of American foreign policy and military action, with large loss of life and national treasure, has been based on the hastily accepted explanations which are patently inadequate - all these demand a new, unrelenting pursuit of the truth which has so long remained obscured.

I am happy to lend my name to the call for new investigation."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Carter W. Rae, BS, DDS
No photo available

Carter W. Rae, BS, DDS – Practicing General Dentist

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Rudy Scarfalloto, DC
No photo available

Rudy Scarfalloto, DC – Chiropractor

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The physical evidence, the actions (and inaction) of the government and military around the time of the attack, as well as the clear evidence of a cover-up are like a great big elephant in the living room. I refuse to pretend that I don't see it."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Crystal Urbanski, BS, RPT
No photo available

Crystal Urbanski, BS Physical Therapy, RPT – Licensed Registered Physical Therapist, States of Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"In 2006 I began looking more closely at the events of 9/11/01 after reading Richard Clarke's book Against All Enemies. I have read several books including Popular Mechanics' Debunking 9/11 Myths and remain convinced that there has been a massive cover-up. Friends and family who have stopped to think and look at the evidence themselves agree with my conclusions. However, some refuse to look. They admit they are afraid of what they might learn. They also fear being labeled a 'conspiracy theorist' because we are all conditioned to scoff at those who dare to question the conventional wisdom."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Letter to the Editor, Seacoast Online 1/6/09:

"As someone who has read at least 10 books about 9/11 — both supporting and challenging the U.S. government's explanation — I have concluded that 19 Muslims alone could not have possibly penetrated the multi-trillion dollar U.S. defense infrastructure. They would have also had to suspend the laws of physics to work in their favor on that day. They simply could not have done this, no matter how much they "hate our freedoms. ... " http://www.seacoastonline.com

Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation." [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] The full text of the petition is available at http://www.war-is-illegal.org

Robert M. Martin, BS, PA-C
No photo available

Robert M. Martin, BS, PA-C – Certified Surgical Physician Assistant, Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I had watched the WTC towers being built in the late sixties and early seventies, and became familiar with their general structure. I then came down to work on the "pile" with other firefighters, police, medics, and iron workers for the first three days after the "attacks."

I noticed the following that is inconsistent with the "official story":
- the almost complete pulverization of structural concrete and office contents,
- the ejection of 30+-ton peripheral sections which were embedded into the upper floors (20 or 30 floors high) of surrounding buildings that were several hundred feet from the Twin Towers,
- the molten (yellow-orange) edges of steel core box columns,
- the "collapses" of the three buildings were inconsistent with the expected behavior of gravity-driven collapse of weakened structural components, e.g.
- the simultaneous failure of columns with the mass of the buildings falling into the path of greatest resistance at approximately free-fall speed,
- the description by firefighters, medics, and police who witnessed the destruction of apparent "explosions" and/or detonations just before and during the "collapses," and
- the lack of military response during the first hour of the "attacks" that strongly suggest a stand-down of our air-defenses." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Diane O'Malley, BS, MS Occupational Therapy
No photo available

Diane O'Malley, BS, MS Occupational Therapy – Licensed Occupational Therapist, State of Vermont

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been active in supporting 9/11 truth since 2006, when, finally, I became aware of a large number of people who, like me, suspected that there were too many holes in the story to be true. Too much simply didn't make sense. I have presented films to local audiences, attended conferences, signed numerous petitions and marched in the street. I have stood on the main street of my town with a placard. I have alienated myself from friends, family , coworkers, neighbors.....to no avail, as we have let the real criminals go free."

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Roger Lang, DDS
No photo available

Roger Lang, DDS – Licensed Dentist, State of California.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I support this petition because in reviewing much literature, there is so much evidence to show that the initial investigation was not complete."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Alfred B. dela Cruz, DDS
No photo available

Alfred B. dela Cruz, DDS – Licensed Dentist, State of California.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I believe there is a lot more behind the scenes regarding the events of 9/11. Someday, the truth or at least some of the facts will surface, and God willing, someone with integrity and a good conscience will come out and speak the truth!"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Margaret Nolan, BS,
OTR/L (ret)
No photo available

Margaret Nolan, BS Occupational Therapy, OTR/L (ret) – Retired Licensed Occupational Therapist, State of New York.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I'm in support of the Medical Professionals 9/11 Truth statement as I'm a patriot and have been studying this issue since 9/11."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Capt. Patricia Fay, ASN, RN
No photo available

Capt. Patricia Fay, ASN, RN, U.S. Army Reserves – Registered Nurse, State of Oregon. Iraq war veteran.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Having witnessed the devastating consequences of the occupation of Iraq on the civilian population, I would like to sign the petition."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Sarah Gilbertson, BN, RCompN, RM
No photo available

Sarah Gilbertson, BN, RCompN, RM – Registered Comprehensive Nurse, New Zealand.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I am signing the petition for many reasons. As a 'carer', I give a hoot about the world and it pains me to see such obstruction of justice! As a health worker I understand the moral obligation to be a 'first responder' and my heart goes out to all those brave souls that did their duty valiantly on that day!"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Tim Howells, BA, MS, PhD
No photo available

Tim Howells, BA, MS, PhD – Medical researcher

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Essay 11/10/03: "In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, our highest and most responsible military officers, proposed to commit acts of terrorism aimed against U.S. citizens, designed to look as though they had been the work of operatives of Fidel Castro. The object was to provide a pretext for an invasion of Cuba. Among many imaginative proposals, the Chiefs suggested:

"We could develop a communist cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington" and further: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba ... casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation." [Editor's note: This was known as Operation Northwoods. The declassified documents can be read here.]

Although these plans were never carried out (they were rejected by President Kennedy), similar proposals WERE actually implemented during the 1970's and 1980's in Europe by the CIA, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. ...

Was September 11 a similar operation, mounted by elements of our own government in order to whip up public support for an all out war against the Arab states in the Middle East? The evidence strongly suggests that this is the case. ...

1. The hijackers were not fanatical Islamic fundamentalists (far from it). (a) They smoked and drank and partied hard. (b) Several of the hijackers had training at secure military facilities in the United States (c) The hijackers operated quite openly, as if they had powerful protectors in the U.S.

2. The hijackers were not capable of the feats of piloting that are attributed to them. [See also Commander Ted Muga, Capt. Russ Wittenberg.]

3. The hijackers lead back to Pakistan's ISI, and through the ISI, back to the CIA and the Bush administration. A) Funding for the hijackers came from ISI Director General Ahmad ... [See also Michael Meacher and William Bergman.]

4. FBI investigations that could have prevented September 11 were deliberately sabotaged by FBI Headquarters." [See also FBI Special Agents Coleen Rowley and Robert Wright.] http://www.physics911.ca

Member: Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven Association Statement: "We have found solid scientific grounds on which to question the interpretation put upon the events of September 11, 2001 by the Office of the President of the United States of America and subsequently propagated by the major media of western nations."

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Christopher Shaw, MSc, PhD
No photo available

Christopher Shaw, MSc, PhD – Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of British Columbia.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement to the PatriotsQuestion911.com website 7/5/07: "September 11th, 2001, ushered in a terrifying new world for the dawn of the 21st Century. Based on the events of that day, the United States and some of its allies launched wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. My own country, Canada, has followed the U.S. to Afghanistan on the premise that the Taliban conspired with Al Qaeda.

If the U.S. government's interpretation of the fateful events of 9/11 is correct, we in the West face an endless war against an evil adversary who acts only out of pure evil and hatred for our rights and freedoms. If the U.S. government is wrong, worse if it actually abetted or had a direct role in the attacks on New York and Washington, we face the same endless war, but one based on lies and criminal conduct by high officials in the U.S. government.

A new, thorough, and unbiased reinvestigation of the events of 9/11 is essential, so that we may know with a great deal of certainty which of these versions is correct. Nothing less than the existence of the U.S. as a Republic, the sovereignty of Canada, and the lives of millions of people is at stake." http://patriotsquestion911.com/professors.html#Shaw

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Bio: https://www.directory.ubc.ca

Michael J. Hanrahan, DDS, FAGD
No photo available

Michael J. Hanrahan, DDS, FAGD – Dentist. Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry. 30 years in practice.

Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"Being a chemistry major in college what immediately struck me as unbelievable about the 'government's official theory' was their disregard of the Laws of Physics. They are laws that cannot be broken. Also, the temperature discrepancies between burning jet fuel and that required to melt steel are just so ridiculously 'not-even-close' that it insults one's intelligence and 'common sense'." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Magnus Blom, MD
No photo available

Magnus Blom, MD – General Practice Physician

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"After watching a lot at YouTube and Google video, ie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b74naeawdCs,
it is obvious to me that 9/11 is carried out by a state with access to the Twin Towers and Building 7, with power to control the media. Not many states fit that description. One thing I wonder about is the newly found big hole in the ground which is explained by officials to be 20 000 years old and from an ice age. For me it's a big mystery that this hole wasn't discovered when the towers first were built. In the film I enclose a link to here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__gUjUv1vvw, they say at 3:30 in to the movie that the foundations were built on bare rock so they obviously removed all soil down to rock when building it. Why did they not discover this huge hole when building the towers? Perhaps they weren't there? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26844329/ Keep up the good work!"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"It is clear to me and to everybody that takes the time to see Blueprint, that the WTC was brought down by controlled demolition, and you have built a very strong case that would hold in court! Good work! It's not so surprising that the authorities are not listening and totally ignore the facts and the movement regarding that they are the only ones that could pull such a stunt off in the first place. WTC 7, the third most guarded building in USA, is brought down by explosives! Who had access? Terrorists? Yeah right! It goes directly into the list of the biggest crime in history among people like Hitler, Mussolini, Mao etc. And what a joke to give Obama the Nobel Peace prize! My god!" http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Virginia Cotts, BS, BSN, RN
No photo available

Virginia Cotts, BS, BSN, RN – Registered Nurse, State of Colorado. 16 years experience in critical units (CCRN) including: ICU, CCU, Pediatric, Thermal (burn and frostbite), Medical and Surgical Telemetry, and Preterm labor. 12 years experience in Home care. 2 years experience in insurance case management.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"In addition to professional experience with lung disease, burn patients and multiple trauma victims, I have worked along side first responders - especially firefighters. Other factors that shaped my knowledge, experience and reasoning:

My father, a PhD in physical chemistry, worked R&D in building materials - asbestos extensively. His brother, a rocket scientist in the team that developed nuclear sub missiles. They had zero tolerance for sloppy thinking, loose or missing facts.

College - advanced courses in math, chemistry and physics required for pre-med. I married an environmental engineer who specializes in hazardous waste removal, also functions as site safety officer.

My father-in-law, a WWII bomber navigator & POW, transferred to the new Air Force, becoming a wing commander for NORAD. His oldest son, a (civilian)fighter jet mechanic, was ultimately in charge of the Elmendorf AFB electronic repair shop.

My issues are:

- The prolonged lack of radio interoperability between NYFD and police, going back to the '93 attack, and continuing after the subsequent disasters in Oklahoma City and Columbine (5 miles from me).

- The EPA statement to the public that the air around ground zero was safe, when the alkalinity of the dust was over 11.

- The unbelievable lack of timely NORAD response to FOUR planes drastically off course. Confused communications between FAA and military? They do it 24/7, in virtually thoughtless competence, even with lack of sleep. At 08:00, when everyone is on high alert for military exercises? Putin nailed it. A successful attack on the most heavily guarded strip of air space in the world, without inside interference with the USAF?

- Multiple failures by FEMA, NIST and the 9/11 Commission
Failure to adhere to the National Standard for Fire and Explosion Investigations in their investigation of the World Trade Center collapses (National Fire Protection Association 921 - 19.2.4 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations)
Failure to include the ATF and FBI.
Failure to do appropriate forensic investigation and obtain adequate samples before destroying evidence.
Failure to establish a timeline for analysis of the causes.
Failure to apply scientific method to the investigation.
Failure to address legitimate questions from the victims' families.

- The subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, killing, wounding and dislocating unknown numbers of their civilians and destroying infrastructure. Tens of thousands of vets coming home with PTSD, TBI, and without limbs. I have taken care of enough vets - from WWI to the Gulf War- to know that PTSD risks and costs have to be seriously considered going into any war.

- The astronomical costs of the wars and home security have delayed health care reform, with over 10,000 deaths from lack of health insurance since.

I remember my high school physics teacher trying to wake up our just after lunch class: "These laws of physics were passed by Congress in 18__". Ignoring Laws of Thermodynamics and Physics is, by definition, a sin. (Webster)

We do not have enough of the truth about 9/11 to atone for these errors and omissions. What, how, when, who and why must be investigated by an independent commission. We have to ask, and answer, the right questions.

If the truth can set us free, where does obstinate ignorance leave us?"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Essay 6/8/07:

" ... I will digress to disclose that my personal review of the 9/11 research and questions convinced me over a year ago that the official conspiracy theory (religious fundamentalists from the Middle East conspired to hijack the planes and fly them into the buildings, causing them to collapse) can only be partly correct. The rest of the story is far too important to be left unquestioned.

It is important for firemen, structural engineers and occupants who want no reason to fear that steel frame buildings, like the WTC towers and WTC 7, will completely (and quickly) collapse from the damage they sustain, despite being over designed to withstand it. Given the far greater damage to WTC6, why did it not fail in the same way?

It is important for Americans to find out why the official reports by FEMA and NIST have failed to substantiate the official explanation, yet no further investigations have been ordered. If we do not truly know why or how the buildings failed, we can hardly defend ourselves, or prevent another tragedy and all that ensues.

This is no easy quest. It is the toughest test of any honest American’s life, beliefs and hopes. The truth could be devastating. Ignorance could be more death. Each of us has to choose when and how we face the questions. I believe it is most important that we try to solve this crime for both the victims and their families. Our criminal justice system has failed them."


Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Kevin Boulton, ADN, BSN, RN
No photo available

Kevin Boulton, ADN, BSN, RN – Licensed Registered Nurse, State of New Mexico. ICU/CCU RN, vascular access consultant/PICC nurse.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"The system of checks and balances has failed us. The official explanations of the 911 crimes are narrated to us through the most likely suspects of the crime. We can't wait in hope that this system will volunteer its needed reform. We, the general public, must inconvenience ourselves to be speakers of truth, confronting gatekeepers in the media and in public office with the facts to affect change, justice and lasting reform."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:
"New York, the spirit of Catherine Genovese is calling out from the grave. She leads a train of restless souls to Ground Zero. Shall we all close our window blinds and shut our doors... shall we turn off the lights and hope that someone else will do something about this crime?" http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Timothy Duane Reeder, RN
No photo available

Timothy Duane Reeder, RN – Registered Nurse, State of California. Telephonic Triage Nurse.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I gladly sign the MP911Truth petition. I believe there are many serious unanswered questions regarding the events of September 11, 2001 and am calling, as many are, for a new, independent investigation into this issue."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"Starting with a focus on WTC # 7, I would like an explanation for what appears to be a controlled building demolition at 5:20 PM on September 11, 2001." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Nancy J. Walker, MA, MFT, BCETS
No photo available

Nancy J. Walker, MA, MFT, BCETS – Retired Psychotherapist. Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress. Marriage and Family Therapist. Specialist in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Being a native of Washington, D.C. I questioned the fraudulent story from the beginning and have been active in the Truth Movement. I am grateful that we are adding our voice to the other professions calling for an investigation."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Bennett Williams, BS, RT(R)
No photo available

Bennett Williams, BS, RT(R) – Licensed Radiologic Technologist, State of Indiana

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I reject the official story of the 9/11 commission. If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. It is impossible for WTC #7, #1 and #2 to fall at the rate of gravity and land on their own footprints without the use of explosives. It is impossible for molten iron and residual thermite to be found at ground zero without explosives. It is impossible for NORAD to willingly stand down on the very same day that we were attacked without prior knowledge of the attack and the intent to let it happen. What remains is the disturbing truth that 9/11 was an inside job."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"9/11 was an inside job. Period. If it was not, I will eat my hat. There is NO WAY that all three World Trade buildings could have fallen without controlled demolition." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Charles S. Williams, RRT,
No photo available

Charles S. Williams, RRT, AE-C – Registered Respiratory Therapist, State of Indiana. Certified Asthma Educator

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"It is absolutely essential that we have a true investigation into the events of 9/11, just as with any other criminal case. There is no evidence backing the claims that Bin Laden and the other supposed terrorists, committed these acts. It also appears that some of these men are still alive and well and have even been issued apologies from the U.S."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Richard E. Glass, BA, DC
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Richard E. Glass, BA, DC – Licensed Chiropractor, State of New Jersey

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have extensively studied the events of 9/11 for the past 9 years. The official story presented to us by government officials and news media outlets simply do not add up. The so called Independent 9/11 Commission was established only after many of the relatives of family members that perished on that day pushed for its creation. It was set up to fail the American people deliberately by avoiding certain information that could not be explained away such as the collapse of WTC Building 7. By opening up an inquiry of what happened to Building 7 to scientific interpretation is key to opening up an entire investigation of the events of that day. It is time, after almost 10 years since the crimes of that day took place for real justice to emerge for the victims, their families and for the American people who have been blinded by former government officials as well as the 5th estate which has failed in its responsibility of protecting the American people from its leaders and misleaders."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Scott A. Anderson, BS, RT(R)
No photo available

Scott A. Anderson, BS, RT(R) – Registered Radiographic Technologist, State of Nebraska.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I would like to sign your petition and join your cause. I've signed other such petitions and I'm glad there is a group now representing the medical profession. Hopefully soon our message will be heard by greater numbers and the media will be forced to stop treating us like fringe extremists. All the evidence points to controlled demolition, and soon the world will see this and we can work towards a more peaceful America."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I think it is obvious that WTC 1,2, and 7 came down from a controlled demolition. It is simply not possible for buildings to collapse in that way due to structural fire. I find it amazing that so many others don't feel this way. I blame it mostly on the exposure that it has gotten. Everyone I talk to about this hasn't even conceived the idea that it was explosives, but then after I show it to them they begin to question it. This needs to become more public. They need to answer our questions." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

SueMarie Rollo, BSN, RN
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SueMarie Rollo, BSN, RN – Registered Nurse, Province of British Columbia. Public Health Nursing/Perinatal.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I believe there was a gross conflict of interest in having Philip Zelikow run the 9/11 Commission since he served in George W. Bush's transition team in 2000 - 2001 and was also a member of Bush's President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Thomas Kean, Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, stated they did not get the materials they needed. I have watched Loose Change as well as 16 parts of 911 Conspiracy, and have read the 24 page report Patriots Question 911. There are serious questions that still need to be answered for the sake of those families and friends who lost loved ones. An Independent commission perhaps with retired FBI/CIA, engineers, architects, bomb experts, aviation, demolition experts needs to be established, and there should be no current ties to the past or present government.

Interesting that Marlene Cruz was the first trauma patient to Bellevue hospital, a carpenter of 15 years at the WTC, she heard and was a victim of bombs going off in the sublevel basement.

They will need to determine who is legally at fault as there are going to be cases of Asbestosis. Apparently it was a billion dollar clean-up for the steel inside the WTC that was sprayed with asbestos and that all the insurance companies were not willing to deal with it."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Tom Petzoldt, BA, MA
No photo available

Tom Petzoldt, BA, Human Development, MA, Counseling Psychology, MA, Occupational Therapy – Licensed Occupational Therapist, Advanced Practice Approved in Hand Therapy (HTC) and
Advanced Practice Approved in Physical Agent Modalities (PAM), State of California.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"American history includes the enslavement of millions, the bombing of hundreds of thousands, proxy wars without congressional consent, and the passage of fiscal policies that leave many of our fellow citizens without basic needs - including basic health care - which is essentially making life and death decision for citizens. In this context, it is not hard to believe that several thousand Americans were simply considered expendable for the purpose of justifying an invasion of two countries the contain much of the world's oil and natural gas supply.

Clearly, 9/11 was not only a False Flag Operation, it was a signal of arrogance and impunity by the U.S. perpetrators that our electoral system and our media is in their pocket. Without this confidence in carrying out election fraud at high levels and manipulating public opinion through repetitive propaganda techniques - and the assumption that these could be done as part of a larger plan - the U.S. 9/11 perpetrators never would never have carried out 9/11. Thus our efforts to prosecute should direct attention not only to facts of 9/11 but also support election reform and begin dismantling the apparatus of media control that supported and colluded with the crime. The intellectual discipline of understanding 9/11 and the legal discipline of prosecuting the criminals, is an essential start."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Edwin E. Jewett
No photo available

Edwin E. Jewett – Retired Emergency Medical Technician, State of Massachusetts. 15 years of experience in emergency medical services including operations, training, planning, systems coordination and administration. Western Massachusetts EMS planner. Co-founder of the Franklin County EMT Association. Author of the first draft of the statewide EMS plan for Massachusetts. Initial staff person of the Massachusetts Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, organizing medical symposia on emergency medicine and trauma management. Co-author of the position paper on the civilian-military contingency hospital system for the Physicians for Social Responsibility. Director of education and membership for the New England Community Health Center Association. Executive director of a regional EMS agency and author of its first mass casualty incident management plan which helped save 25-35 lives in the Malden Mills fire. Managing Editor of PedSat (pediatric CME courses delivered by video). Author of numerous articles on emergency and disaster response, including Mass Casualty Computer Simulations: Tomorrow's Disaster Drill? (for Rescue, a Journal of Emergency Medical Services publication, March-April 1990) and Coalescing Effective Community Disaster Response:Simulation and Virtual Communities of Practice (December 2005 ).

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Having read widely in the topic area (Ruppert, John McMurtry, most of what David Ray Griffin has written, multiple web sites, History Commons and the like), there is no doubt that the murder of thousands of US citizens requires greater effort in legal and forensic investigation. As in other "state crimes against democracy", a concerted effort on the part of many people across time and space has resulted in an understanding that is infinitely more lucid than that offered by official bodies and publications. The only way we can honor those public service personnel who lost their lives that day is to seek a new investigation, under oath, with prosecution."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Ross M. Cowan, RN
No photo available

Ross M. Cowan, RN – Registered Nurse, State of Texas. Specializing in intensive care and specifically cardiology.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"It is imperative that 9/11 be exposed nationally as an inside job for the sake of our sovereign nation and for world peace. 9/11 is the key piece because of the ineptitude of the plan and follow through. Certainly the coup by the Federal Reserve and the take over of the USA was first, the assassination of JFK and the other two presidents who wished to curtail the bankers' control of our country is also crucial evidence, but history and time cloud the science. 9/11 is recent..and still in our memories. Because of 9/11, the American people have been brainwashed into supporting our troops as they murder millions of innocent people. Because of 9/11, the Patriot Act, written and completed six months prior to the event was passed into law without even being read. We must not let this one go. The Murrah building destruction also set into play the first terrorist bill by Bill Clinton. We must wake up our brothers and sisters from the false right/left paradigm and vote for change..and remember freedom is not free. We cannot rely on our armed forces to protect us as they will eventually enslave us -- and if not the armed forces since they will be overseas, then the UN or Canadian troops. The destruction of the dollar is not an accident but a tool into forcing the cure -- a one world government. As a nurse, I can assess that no one makes mistakes 100% of the time. Therefore these coincidences are not mistakes but planned interventions to destroy the USA.

I love the USA, honor the Constitution, freedom, worship Jesus, and have spent my life in an intensive care setting trying to heal and promote health and peace. I support this petition and this country in every peaceful way."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Laurel Johnson, LPN
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Laurel Johnson, LPN – Licensed Practical Nurse, State of North Carolina

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Beth Kuhar, BS, BSN, RN
No photo available

Beth Kuhar, BS, BSN, RN – Registered Nurse, States of Ohio and Pennsylvania

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Brad Sanders, NREMT
No photo available

Brad Sanders, NREMT – Licensed Emergency Medical Technician, State of Tennessee (EMT-IV).

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Thomas C. Halle, DC
No photo available

Thomas C. Halle, DC – Former Licensed Chiropractor, State of California. 17 years licensed.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"It is absolutely essential that we have a true and accurate picture of what occurred during the 9/11 disaster, just as with any major criminal case.

It appears that the official report was anything but a scientific, unbiased and accurate account. In fact, materials on the crime-scene were removed before the investigation commenced, and the funding for the study was very limited, and its members were cautioned not to explore certain critical aspects of the case. Obviously the Bush administration had no interest in a study, much less a comprehensive one. What we received was a highly biased, incomplete report -- in a word -- a major piece of propaganda, with dozens of unanswered questions. More precisely, a whitewash.

The best information is that this was a “false flag” operation (not unlike the Nazi-set Reichstag fire, which facilitated Hitler’s rapid rise to the German chancellorship), with planted incendiaries within the WTC structures, and the subsequent naming of Islamist terrorists as the perpetrators, many of whom have since appeared alive, facts which beg the questions of just WHO planned and executed this military-like operation, and why they were not tracked them down and prosecuted?

When one realizes that the attacks were employed by the Bush regime as a pretext for attacks on the sovereign nations of Iraq and Afghanistan -- military operations still not completed (and even ESCALATED under Mr. Obama!) -- and that, under the Patriot Act, the nation effectively remains under siege, the need for a new study becomes particularly crucial. The average American citizen has been played the fool and subjected to a kind of surgical excision of his fundamental rights, and he isn't going to take it anymore!!"

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Jotham Tiarks, MA
No photo available

Jotham Tiarks, MA – Mental Health Counselor

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have spent countless hours pouring over the government theory and see nothing but lies and distortion. The evidence for controlled demolition in all three world trade center buildings is beyond a reasonable doubt to anyone willing to open their eyes."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I have been studying this subject for a long time and I believe the government is covering up the truth about 9/11." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,030 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Jo Ann Brown, BSN, RN, CCRN
No photo available

Jo Ann Brown, BSN, RN, CCRN – Registered Nurse, State of Texas. Practicing critical care nursing for 24 years

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I am very active in WeAreChange Austin/San Antonio and have organized many diverse educational activities at the University of Texas, weekly 9/11 street action, monthly 9/11 events and was a primary organizer for the recent 'Texas Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Press Conference and Seminar' held March 20th, 2010 in Austin, TX.

I am very pleased to join Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth and eagerly look forward to productive and effective activism with fellow medical professionals."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,030 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Dee Duke, BS, BSN, RN
No photo available

Dee Duke, BS Bio, BSN, RN – Registered Nurse, State of Texas

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have deep concerns about the military activities in light of the lack of Air Force support prior to the crashes. Where were the escort pilots that are routine when there are unidentified aircraft flying around? Also, what about the nanothermite residue found in the debris of the towers? There has not been nearly enough public discussion or formal investigation into the events surrounding 911."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Greg Dietrich, BSN, RN
No photo available

Greg Dietrich, BSN, RN – Registered Nurse, States of California and Louisiana. Practicing critical care nursing for 16 years.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"Our Association Statement states, 'As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning.' Nanothermite is the evidence that Congress needs to reinvestigated 9/11 and prosecute the tyrants in our federal government who are responsible for this false-flag operation."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Dr. James E. Bjork, OD
No photo available

Dr. James E. Bjork, OD – Licensed Optometrist, Province of Ontario. In practice for more than 20 years.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have investigated 9/11 extensively over the last two weeks and I am totally convinced there was criminal action on a huge scale. These people are abrogating their responsibility, aiding and abetting criminals, and thumbing their nose at the justice system; exactly what they are doing all over the world with their unconstitutional wars. They must be brought to justice sooner than later. I have children and I don't want them to inherit this world. I (We) have a huge responsibility to expose these lies."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Daniel S. Thompson, ASN, RN
No photo available

Daniel S. Thompson, ASN, RN – Registered Nurse, State of California, practicing psychiatric nursing for over three years.

Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"At this point, rational and observant people - that ought to include medical professionals - have little excuse to ignore or dismiss the burgeoning raft of omissions, distortions and falsehoods generated by the official cover-up and its official apologists, and which are cynically perpetuated by the consolidated corporate media. Once reason is engaged, and scrutiny allowed, it is clear that this was an attack not only upon the 3,000 victims that day, but upon a free, open and just society. If you stand against injury, see the injury in this. If you stand against decay, madness and disease, see the decay, madness and disease in this - and do the work you were put here to do."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Ed Spencer, MD
No photo available

Ed Spencer, MD – Neurologist

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

David Flaherty, DO
No photo available

David Flaherty, DO – Psychiatrist. Board-Certified in Adult Psychiatry. Conducted over 150 Phase I-IV clinical trials in outpatient and inpatient facilities

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Charles Wray, DC
No photo available

Charles Wray, DC – Licensed Chiropractor, State of California

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Capt. Barbara Lewicki, AS
No photo available

Capt. Barbara Lewicki, AS Fire Science – Firefighter and Paramedic, State of California. 24 years experience in emergency services.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

I have yet to see or hear about high-rises impacted by plane collisions and/or fire collapse in a manner consistent with deliberate implosion." http://www.ae911truth.org

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,030 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.

Marge Rose Golden, BSN, MS, RN, CNS, RXN
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Marge Rose Golden, BSN, MS, RN, CNS, RXN – Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist. Licensed Registered Nurse with Prescriptive Authority, State of Colorado. Master of Science in Adult Mental Health Nursing.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Debra L. Bunger, MD, BCFE
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Debra L. Bunger, MD, BCFE – Board Certified Psychiatrist, State of California.

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Fair Use Notice

Fair Use Notice: This website contains copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available in an effort to advance understanding of issues and facts related to and in some cases contradictory to the official account of the events of 9/11. This constitutes a "fair use" of such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond "fair use", you must obtain permission from the original copyright owner.

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Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Mission Statement

We, the members of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, believe that there remains a pressing need for a new and independent criminal investigation into the events of 9/11/01. There is incontrovertible publicly available evidence since that day that the official account of the events is incomplete and fraught with errors. The 9/11 Commission Report failed to address many of the most important questions that were presented to the Commission by the victims’ families and other concerned Americans, and those that they did address were inadequately answered.

As medical professionals we understand in a personal way the depth of human suffering caused by the devastation associated with the attacks of that day and the severe health problems that befell the courageous men and women who carried out the subsequent cleanup. Only the discovery powers and authority available to the judiciary will be able to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators. We stand together with millions of other Americans and citizens of other nations in demanding a full, unbiased investigation and prosecution of these crimes against humanity. If we give a pass to the perpetrators who are likely still at large, we do so at our peril.


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